Could blitzball be played?

well initially the idea of liquid oxygen came from someone referencing the movie ‘the abyss’ where the characters have to dive deeper than a human can handle. since the pressure would liquify their O2 and kill them there was a type of oxygen rich liquid brought in, military applications and all that rot. i believe such a substance actually does exist (they show a rat fully submerged in a a cage wiggle around for a bit and then finally breathe and subsequently calm down) , but the density is something i don’t know about, also the price would be a factor.

as for getting the ball to stay at a certain depth, that’s easy, all you do is find a liquid denser than the breathing liquid, fill the bowl half full, then fill the rest of it with the lighter breating liquid, and the ball itself would be not filled with air but with a liquid heavier than the breathing liquid, and lighter than the base liquid. like oil and water.

for the bowl/shape we’d have to wait until they develop force field technology, the amount of glass it would take to withstand the water required for a whole sphere, plus putting it in a spherical shape would probably cost way too much.

that’s my two cents.

I think it’s pretty clear that having a real blitzball game in real conditions (underwater, five minutes, movable ball) is pretty impossible, and if not, impractical.
But I think you could do it in air.
I think its easier to create some sort of anti-gravity sphere than a water sphere. I know they’re probably closer to that. Failing anti-gravity, there are some places that blast air in from the floor to simulate sky diving. I’m not sure how well you could swim in air, but you could do it. And the ball would move a lot easier.

i like that idea it seems the most realistic

with the 2 dense and lighter liquid idea in mind, the ball would also be easier to move, seeing as how it would be squeezed so much with no way out.

Your ability to mix languages in nonsensical ways that leave little insight into what you’re trying to say gives me a tingly felling all over.

The more I think about it, even the simpler things can’t translate to the real world. Like FF8’s card game - Triple Triad. For those who don’t know/can’t remember, that’s the game where you set cards in a 3x3 grid and try to flip cards over using the card’s numbers on each side. Cards flipped over by you are yours and add to your total, vice versa for the opponents. In order to do this, the cards would need three sides, one blue, one red, and one face down! That’s not exactly a card anymore.
PS In theory the game could be played with actual cards - one side red, one side blue, but that would eliminate the ability to have a closed hand… unless you somehow hid the card from view.

make the card to where the front can change colors

The cards could have the red and blue sides and you just use backed sleeves. Or the cards can just have one side and you use counters of some sort to dictate which team the card belongs too. the counters would be realistic for a real world transition, as many card games use them.

I know that the offical Pokémon TGS uses counters to represent damage. I’d bet we’d could make an unoffical one soon… The FF9/FF11 card games can be done but a bit tricky to get the Blocker spaces.

How does this relate to the topic. It went wrong about around Sso2V’s post, up to Barose’s then got off topic again under mine all the way up so far.

I like that idea, and I think it could be done. At least with today’s technology. My security card for work has some sort of chip in it that sends a signal to the door receiver to unlock it, so I dont see why there could be some sort of card that changes hue. It might be a little more expensive than a regular card.
Sleeves are another good idea for games with the Closed rule. Most games I played in FF8 were Open, so it wouldnt be terribly inconvenient I guess.

I know this is off topic, but I feel obligated to reply.(don’t know why)
Mabie they could have hot/ cold temp activation, or lights, or covers. Just thinking outside of the box.

Well, Im not sure what good hot/cold temp activation would do to add value to the game. That would seem to add a random element to it that would be frustrating, although its true that there already is a material that can change color due to temp. A low level light might be the thing, but Ive never heard of one small enough, doesnt mean it may not currently exist though.
Boy, all this talk about Triple Triad is making me itch to play. Didn’t there used to be a site where you could print out your own cards?

You can buy the actual cards off of eBay. They were promotional items for FFVIII. You could also play it online.

Oh my god, they exist? That throws my whole debate out the window. What do they look like? I tried searching ebay, but it had no pictures

I suppose at insane price? (couldn´t find it anywhere)

Why not use one of those oversized fans that make you float? Just find a way to make it strong enough to support people, and large enough that they can gain speed and such.

Not really, a couple years ago I saw nearly all of the “face” cards going for aruon $5.00US or less.

big fans would cost big bucks??