Heh, this is pretty funny. You enter two victims, two conspirators, two heroes, and two locations, and two plots. I did a bunch, but my favorite one is in my sig.
Heh, this is pretty funny. You enter two victims, two conspirators, two heroes, and two locations, and two plots. I did a bunch, but my favorite one is in my sig.
We beat ya to it.
Hate to break it to you kid, but we already had a thread on this smacks him with a Hammer BAD!
is smacked I’m always to late. Like superheroes.
Originally posted by Alyx
Hate to break it to you kid, but we already had a thread on this smacks him with a Hammer BAD!
Hey hey, let us have our turns in bashing. proceeds to bash
"Nostradamus’ works clearly indicate that Cala is trying to beat up Rune with a mallet. Also, where he says ‘the mouse in RPGCAgora will shy away / the lion’s roar is as dust’ he means that Alyx is threatening Rune. The lion is A mod who is trying to protect Salman Rushdie from Cala with little sucess. "
"The Millenium Bug is a plot by Alyx to get money by letting people beat up Rune and cripple the work of Rune. The Government and the Alpha Centauri Expeditionary Force are doing nothing to stop it, hoping that A mod can halt Alyx’s evil plans. It’s not going to happen. The world will end soon!
THE WORLD IS ENDING!! yeay!!! dances
O ye of little faith puts Alyx in a box and ships her off to some geek to get her modded
Never trust the Alpha Centaurians to do a MegamanX2K’s work.
Originally posted by Alyx
* finishes her turn and steps away for other people to join*
$5 to beat the late guy…
What’d I tell you about charging money?! NO MONEY FOR YOU. YOU DON’T NEED IT. BACK TO WORK, SLAVE.
Yes master… bows and runs back to her job
[whispers] I still got $15!
"The UFO sitings over RPGC Agora are actually mass hallucinations engineered by Cala to make Alyx and other enemies of MI6 think they are not alone. In the ensuing paranoia, Cala and MI6 plan to to keep Alyx a slave without paying. If you see UFOs, close your eyes - it’s all a trick. Meanwhile, a special task force led by Rune is being set up to tackle the problem. "
Hey, it’s the same one in the other thread! I guess Cala must be in it with DT and Charlemagne.
I don’t get paid to be a slave?
Appearently not.
(BTW, Alyx, where’s your avatar from? It almost looks like Yu Yu Hakusho, but…)
I get cheese though! looks at Cala don’t I?
(its Kurama from YYH)
“its Kurama from YYH”
Ok, I have no idea wether to believe that or not. It looks like a woman, but hey I havn’t seen every episode, and it does look like Kurama…Oh man.
It is Kurama. I should know who my Avvie is. He is wearing his hair back in a bun/ponytail thing okay? waves mallet threateningly
Ok. It’s Kurama. Put the mallet down, nice and slowly. Whil I’m backing away.