<- yes, its a torrent, but the game itself is freeware, so this is legit. A torrent just happens to be the quickest way to share the game.
This is a user-made shooter from japan called “GundeadliGne”. It is not translated, though relatively little japanese comprehension is required to play/enjoy it.
Its in the same vein as many Pysiko shooters, or any other shooter that is about patter dodging. Most of you time in the game will be spent weaving your way through patterns, rather than actually shooting stuff. In fact, some of the bosses will ‘die’ without you even needing to hit them, you just have to survive their patterns.
As far as difficulty goes, if you’ve played some decently hard shooters before, you might find this a little easy. Though the hard difficulty levels are still <i>challenging</i>, you’re not going to be like, ripping your hair out.
Definitly a cool game, well worth the small download. Also has USB Joystick support, if you’re like me and hate keyboards.
Just unpack the rar and run, no installation is required. You will need the OGGVorbis media codec to play the music in the game. I don’t know where to get this, but if you listen to music on your machine, you probably already have it.
There are two characters to choose from. The blonde has a powerful thin shot, while the demon chick has a wide-angle shot. The demon chick can also shoot small bursts of thin shots, but pressing the standard “fire” button, waiting, then pressing again. For hectic shooting she can only do wide shots.
Its a five button game:
Button 1: shoot
> as blonde: just fire away
> as demon: tap for single strong shot, hold/press rapidly for tons of wide
Button 2:
> as blonde: “mana” attack (throws cross). only way to beat most bosses.
> as demon: slow down time
Button 3:
> as blonde: ultra attack. attack depends on what gem you picked at the wheel selection screen
> as demon: just some big attack.
Button 4: switch direction you’re facing. yes, you’ll be fighting from both sides of the screen.
Button 5: pause
Have fun. If you have any questions, post them, i’ll respond when i get back from work.