Connection refused, whee!

Yeah, edtheserver doesn’t want me connecting for some reason, and I can’t for the life of me remember any of the other servers we use, so uh, if someone could just tell me that so I can try it, that’d be great, kthxbai.

I use and never had a problem

From logon.
-Dorksnet- [Logon News - Jun 07 2004] Hey dudes, is replacing, which will be no more. If you’re connecting to edtheserver, please switch or find yourself without a server. Thanks :slight_smile:

I think it’s a bit late for that now >.< I was using java, until Vorpy saved me.

The java is almost always updated with the correct server line, so if it changes on me I just hop into the java chat and go into the information window and copy the connection line from there.