Originally posted by Cloud Strife X
Exactly. I forgot who said this, but someone once said, “Democracy is the worst form of goverment- except all the others.”
The quote is “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”, and Winston Churchill said it.
The California Gubernatorial election is getting so much publicity (obviously) because so many kick-ass celebrities are running. Columnist Arianna Huffington. <i>Hustler</i> publisher Larry Flynt. Diff’rent Strokes Star/Security Guard/Midget Gary Coleman. Watermelon-smashing comedian Gallagher. Porn star Mary Carey. Arnold Somethingorother… Can you blame everybody for going crazy?
Just check out Mary Carey’s platform:
<b>1. Legalize gay marriage in California.</b> This will generate a tremendous amount of revenue for the state as a honeymoon destination.
<b>2. Tax breast implants.</b> From Beverly Hills alone, we should bring in millions in tax revenue. (Note: I am all-natural and I personally discourage the use of implants!)
<b>3. Make lap dances a tax deductible business expense.</b> This will help grease the wheels of business in California and stimulate our economy.
<b>4. If I’m elected Governor, I will wire the Governor’s Mansion with live web cams in every room.</b> We will create a pay site, and all money collected will go toward reducing the deficit. Californians will get to see their government in action - literally! (Also, we will have people from around the globe helping to pay off our debt, so it doesn’t all fall on the shoulders of Californians.)
<b>5. I will create a “Porn for Pistols” program to take handguns off the streets.</b> Dealing with the violence and injuries associated with handguns is a huge drain on our state’s resources.
<b>6. As Governor, I will recruit fellow performers from the adult video industry as ambassadors of good will.</b> These ambassadors will be a great help to California when it comes to such things as negotiating rates for buying electricity from neighboring states.
<b>7. I will coordinate the state’s unemployment and jury systems, so that anyone who applies for unemployment will instantly be called for jury duty.</b> This will save California state and local governments millions of dollars, because we won’t have to pay for jury duty. It will also relieve those with jobs from the stress of serving on lengthy juries.
<b>8. I will fight the federal government’s attempts to harass the adult video industry.</b> Adult video is an $11 billion industry that creates more than $23 million in taxes each year for the state of California. We can’t afford to lose this tax base!