Cloud's Ignorable Political Ranting

NOTE TO NON-AMERICANS: This might make little sense to you. It might also not make sense to many Americans. Welcome to the U.S.A.

Okay, first off- what is the deal with the California election? Why does everyone care? Why does it time an time again make the front cover of Newsweek? Kinda odd, considering that it can’t be on Craig Kilborn.
I read in Time magazine that late-night talks shows can’t diss Arnold or whoever, because there’s a law that legally allows the other candidates for governor to call CBS or whoever and demand air time on the show. The only exception to this is a news report, like on CNN. Conan and Jimmy’s shows aren’t excepted. How much bull is that?

Secondly, since when did Fox News have a copyright on the words “Fair and Balanced?” OOPS!!! I just said it! They’re gonna sue me!
Yep, they sued this guy named Al Franken who’s writing a book called, “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.” They called him “intoxicated”, and that’s a quote.
That’s about as ridiculous as Spike Lee suing someone for use of the name “Spike” (which he did) and Bush trademarking the term “Compassionate Conservative” (which, actually, he did)! Why is this? Because the right is trying to make it so the left will never have any success at media talk shows, books, etc.

Finally, what is the deal with the WMD (Weapons of Mass Disappearance)? Why does anyone care? We got rid of Saddam, and that’s what counts. And if the Iraqis don’t like us Americans in their country, then we oughta pack up and leave. Screw the Middle East (except for the Saudis- we need their oil).
But Bush won’t do that, because Iraq has far too much oil to leave. He will keep Americans in Iraq (although I saw on CNN that they might send in some U.N. peacekeeps or something). And that’s bull. Let’s just leave Iraq, and leave them to their fate.

Okay, I got most of that out of me. Problem is, there’ll be more next week (when Newsweek and Time arrive at my house). But i’ll spare you next time. Thanks for hearing me out.

You were right, I did not get a word of that. But who cares, it politics, right?

O_o;;; Its okay… I promise… scoots away

Exactly. I forgot who said this, but someone once said, “Democracy is the worst form of goverment- except all the others.”

Jeez, I sound like some kind of scholar. I need to lighten up a little.

turns on the lights There you lightened up!

<img src=“”> Personally, I think that the closest thing to an Utopia we can get is through a Dictatorship, but that’s just me.

“Finally, what is the deal with the WMD (Weapons of Mass Disappearance)? Why does anyone care?”

Because the administration harped upon them ceaselessly and claimed that they posed an imminent danger to America, and succeeded in ramming the war down the public’s throat solely because of that. The deal is with the administration having fabricating a nonexistent threat to America just in order to have the war that the neoconservative ideologues have wanted so desperately for a decade, regardless of how much money and American lives would be wasted on it. That’s what counts, not trying and failing to capture or kill some shithead tinpot dictator who posed no threat to the United States, while destroying the lives of several hundred Americans and thousands of Iraqis and throwing away over a billion dollars a week.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“”> Personally, I think that the closest thing to an Utopia we can get is through a Dictatorship, but that’s just me.

As long as you’re the dictator, that is.

<img src=“”> Not even. Read that book Plato wrote. I never read it, just saw some documentary about it, but it definately makes sense.

Originally posted by Cloud Strife X
Why does anyone care? We got rid of Saddam, and that’s what counts.

The ends do not justify the means.

I never read it, just saw some documentary about it, but it definately makes sense.
I hope this is a joke but expect that it isn’t.

<img src=“”> Yeah, I never was too bright with politics :stuck_out_tongue: Plus the fact that I saw it at 3 AM probably distorted my facts. Note that I do not endorse the methods, but tricking people into believing that the world is perfect while it isn’t does seem to be the perfect scam to create an utopia in the minds of people.

It’s the tricking part that’s the challenge.

<img src=“”> Aliens will take care of that.

Plato meant what he said: Monarchy is the best form of government. Just sad that his requirements of a monarch are inhuman.

Said by Sephiroth Katana
Finally, what is the deal with the WMD (Weapons of Mass Disappearance)? Why does anyone care?"

Because the administration harped upon them ceaselessly and claimed that they posed an imminent danger to America, and succeeded in ramming the war down the public’s throat solely because of that. The deal is with the administration having fabricating a nonexistent threat to America just in order to have the war that the neoconservative ideologues have wanted so desperately for a decade, regardless of how much money and American lives would be wasted on it. That’s what counts, not trying and failing to capture or kill some shithead tinpot dictator who posed no threat to the United States, while destroying the lives of several hundred Americans and thousands of Iraqis and throwing away over a billion dollars a week.

Originally posted by Cloud Strife X

Finally, what is the deal with the WMD (Weapons of Mass Disappearance)? Why does anyone care? We got rid of Saddam, and that’s what counts. And if the Iraqis don’t like us Americans in their country, then we oughta pack up and leave. Screw the Middle East (except for the Saudis- we need their oil).
But Bush won’t do that, because Iraq has far too much oil to leave. He will keep Americans in Iraq (although I saw on CNN that they might send in some U.N. peacekeeps or something). And that’s bull. Let’s just leave Iraq, and leave them to their fate.[/b]

Yeah I’d also like to comment on that paragraph. Saddam wasn’t the only threat. It’s not like he was the big bad evil and once he gets taken down, everyone is all happy go lucky. He has sons you know, or had them, I dunno, I just read something about his eldest son, I think it was, a long time ago, and that man is just as vicious and sadistic as his father. Though he may be dead already, I’m not up to date with these things. Saddam also has allies and people who are extremely loyal to him. Getting rid of Saddam does not eliminate the problem.
Also, not all Iraqis hate the American (and British, you forgot to add) government. Some of them (probably very few of them) welcomed America and Britain, I watched this on tv as the war was broadcasted. Some of them even fought alongside the government and made it as easy as possible to bring Saddam down.
And “screw the middle east” is a bit uncalled for. These are countries who are unable to rise above their current situation. A lot of these people don’t know any differently, and to just leave them alone is a bit harsh. True we shouldn’t meddle, but some countries require aid at some point and time and to ignore countries that cry for help is a bit ruthless. I’m also not saying that middle east countries are demanding American help, but if they were to (or did? See I’m not very educated in this matter, I’m just stating what little I do know) just brush them off, well what then? That’s adding more fuel to the fire. I know sometimes we are incapable to help other countries in need because what our prime ministers and presidents think of first is the well being of our own country (or so I’d like to believe…) but when we are able to lend help to those who suffer in a middle eastern country, we can and should, and not “screw” em.
And leaving Iraq doesn’t seem like a good idea yet. A lot of people don’t even believe Saddam is dead. Some Iraqis are still a bit terrified. In other words, Iraq, as a country is very unstable right now, and they may require help getting back to where they were, or at least back on their feet. American and Britian bombed the hell out of Baghdad, aren’t they the least bit obligated to stick around and do some good? And if they aren’t doing that, at least keeping a lookout for Saddam? Actually I have no idea why their troops are still in Iraq, but at least they didn’t cause mass destruction <b>and then</b> leave.They would make the situation worse than what it already is.
And if I don’t make sense, anyone, I apologize, I tend to shy away from war coverage so I don’t know a lot…

Not even the Americans believe Saddam Hussein is dead. His two sons are though, and proven dead: The USA saw it fit to violate the Geneve convention and publish photographs.

And leaving Iraq is not even an option. Not only would it cause a political scandale, but it would make the Americans seem cowardly and running away from petty terrorists. And we haven’t even mentioned the billions of dollars that would seem wasted.

I don’t know why you’re being so closed in. If I handed you a blank map could you point out Iraq to me? It was a mistake in the past for Americans to keep out of worldly affairs. Perhaps it doesn’t have anything to do with us directly, but we’ve seen one man rise and create havoc beyond anything we could imagine. Do you know why the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor? You know that the U.S. was not even involved in the war officially until after the attack. The Japanese saw us as threat to the Pacific Ocean, and moved to take out our entire Fleet with a single huge attack. Luckily all of our battleships were out of Pearl Harbor, otherwise America would be a very different place today. If we just leave Saddam alone, things will only get worse. Maybe not right away, but if Saddam or another Hitler were to rise and see us as a threat, we’d be in even more danger than right now. You know what Bin Laden did. And we still haven’t found him. Saddam is even more powerful than Osama, and could cause much more damage to our country if he were so inclined. Do you want another September 11th? We need to quit being closed in. We aren’t “budding in other’s business” we’re taking care of what effects us. And that means everything.

And that’s bull. Let’s just leave Iraq, and leave them to their fate.

What’s done is done, dude. You might have disagreed with it, but we can’t just leave them now that we’ve destroyed their government and means and livelihood. You have to finish what you started, and even if you don’t believe what we started was a good thing, it would be even worse to simply leave it now than to help them re-establish themselves.

I was going to flame a few of your other comments, but I think I’ll just say that since you listed Atlas Shrugged as your favorite book, anything I say would just be redundant with the obvious…

Yes, quite ignorable fan of Ayn Rand.

And no, you do not sound like a scholar, you sound like a fifteen year old babbling incoherent idealogy.