Chris-chris's sister is here

I’m not generalizing. Many girls in the boards are much more interesting than the people I know at school. I’m basing this on personal observation.
And to answer to your question… Who cares if people don’t get any? I have no esteem for… you-know-what. In fact, I think it’s just a useless organ.

Being nice and “un-hollow headed” means nothing if you have no grasp of the real world.

People on these message boards, or other message boards, really shouldn’t mean much to you in real life. I think about the people on these message boards maybe once or twice a day when im not here - like “I wonder if Sin did well on his exam” or “I hope DT is having fun doing whatever”. That’s about it. Personally, I’m not much for internet relationships with people, I think it’s much more worthwhile to seek relationships with people around you than with people you don’t really know.

This is merely a gathering point. No more and no less. When I get to know people, I try to get things as far away from the internet as possible.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
[b]Being nice and “un-hollow headed” means nothing if you have no grasp of the real world.

People on these message boards, or other message boards, really shouldn’t mean much to you in real life. I think about the people on these message boards maybe once or twice a day when im not here - like “I wonder if Sin did well on his exam” or “I hope DT is having fun doing whatever”. That’s about it. Personally, I’m not much for internet relationships with people, I think it’s much more worthwhile to seek relationships with people around you than with people you don’t really know. [/b]

bravo, Sorc.

I NEVER think about you guys, really, unless I’m online. prefer learnign to make REAL Friends, as in people I can see and hear and TOUCH. Cause getting along with people online is all well and good, but people you’ll meet in real life won’t be so interested in your internet grammar, or how well formulated your ideas may seem on paper.

Well, this is land is filled with jerks, and nothing interesting ever happens here. This, I’m afraid, is the only way of reaching out to others who are as lonely as I.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
And to answer to your question… Who cares if people don’t get any? I have no esteem for… you-know-what. In fact, I think it’s just a useless organ.

So how are we supposed to procreate and carry on the human race? Really, the only truly useless organ is the appendix.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
I’m not generalizing. Many girls in the boards are much more interesting than the people I know at school. I’m basing this on personal observation.
And to answer to your question… Who cares if people don’t get any? I have no esteem for… you-know-what. In fact, I think it’s just a useless organ.

Main Entry: gen·er·al·ize
Pronunciation: 'jen-r&-"lIz, 'je-n&-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -ized; -iz·ing
Date: circa 1751
transitive senses
1 : to give a general form to
2 a : to derive or induce (a general conception or principle) from particulars b : to draw a general conclusion from
3 : to give general applicability to <generalize a law>; also : to make indefinite
intransitive senses
1 : to form generalizations; also : to make vague or indefinite statements
2 : to spread or extend throughout the body

And how are you not doing this? You’re saying

Originally posted by Manus Dei
Most guys I know are hollow-headed fools anyway. Girls are often much more gentle, civilized and kind, and they have something in their heads

Really, that’s not generalising, that’s just putting every single individual of one gender in 1 category and the other gender in the other category without taking them as individuals and seeing that such assumptions can only be done on a case by case method. Girls can be total bitches who will treat you like less than dirt, while some guys are quite civilised and kindhearted. Your statement simply goes to show your own experiences with guys have been limited to being the butt of many jokes or a similar fate while with girls…well, I don’t think I can use plural for experiences here, with the amount of worship you seem to show.

Not worship, respect. Most guys I know are worthless scumbags. I feel sorry for the girls that have to put up with them, even though some of them have the same behavior.

Well, learn to respect both genders, because anyone and everyone can be a good or bad person regardless of what’s between their legs. Both have the potential to be scumbags, sluts, idiots or whatever or can be decent people.

Quite frankly, the content of someone’s mind is more important than trivialities such as appearance.

How did this get started in a welcome thread? Geez -_-’

Maybe we should hold another Thread Hijacking Contest… That should keep the others on track for a while.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
Maybe we should hold another Thread Hijacking Contest… That should keep the others on track for a while.

Over my dead body.

Well, it seems that every thread here is derailed sooner than you can say “WakaWakaWaka”… Any suggestions?

Quite simply, locking it when it’s way off.