I have an idea for who it is who’ll eventually deliver the beatdown, but I’m hesitant to say it for fear that I’ll get a bullseye and Spoony will change his mind.
To whit, it involves Chekhov’s Gun.
I have an idea for who it is who’ll eventually deliver the beatdown, but I’m hesitant to say it for fear that I’ll get a bullseye and Spoony will change his mind.
To whit, it involves Chekhov’s Gun.
Eh, guess away. I already have how the fight will progress and end planned out, and I’m not about to change it at this point, even if someone guesses it in its entirety, play by play.
So knock yourself out, but I won’t confirm or deny anything.
k. My guess is that, as soon as Faetan is brought back into the foreground, she’ll unleash her spell – either on Nylar, thus blasting him off agaaaaaaaaainting, or someone else will beat up Nylar, and when Faetan’s freed she’ll accidentally blast the party.
… correction. Now I can see Macc trying to revive the other people.
Hm. Nah, probably won’t work as well …
I’ve got my money that he’ll be driven insane before he can finish. (or, to cover the spread, his boss will get pissed for him taking far too long and end him instead)
Hmm. Yeah … Either Macc’s “up his sleeve” will backfire and Fae will take him out, or Macc will succeed and Fae will (possibly) accidentally unleash her spell on some of the party, or Nylar will get the You Have Failed Me For The Last Time treatment.
EDIT: Though it occurs to me that I may be a bit too familiar with … standard “tropes”, and if I’m completely wrong, it’ll be because Spoony’s more creative than me, or indeed J. Clichestorm Writer.
There’s also something called overanalyzing things, y’know.
Yeah I know.
Ah yes foreshadowing…
And the winner is…
Overflow/trance/limit/OMGYOURGONNA DIE DIE DIE!!!
Originally Posted by Vicious
[i]Ah yes foreshadowing…And the winner is…
Spoiler: Overflow/trance/limit/OMGYOURGONNA DIE DIE DIE!!!
Can’t argue with that logic. He has done it before.
Bunnies can’t perform limit breaks.
Apparently I’m the man since I guess it first. BWARRRR!
How about “Bunnies can’t trance, BUT THEY CAN DANCE”? :3