can anybody recomend an RPG that doesent have a "kill the big foozle" plot

I can think of Ultima IV:Quest of The Avatar and thats it


So by big foozle you mean what exactly?

Yeah… every RPG will have a final boss that’s big and ugly. If you mean an RPG that doesn’t have its ultimate goal as “saving the world”, I can recommend some.

Isn’t Actraiser up there? I kind of stopped playing after the first stage and when I couldn’t figure out how to rid of the flying demons on the land. I don’t really know how the game will end up, though. It just seems like the aim is restoring humanity back to the land… or so

Planescape: Torment. You’ll be damn pleased to hear that you won’t need physical stats much. Since a few good mental ones can dominate battles even before they begin.

Radiata Stories doesn’t focus on a main enemy until the last hour or so; the majority of the game is just your role in some war/guild.


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Planescape: Torment

Cast lightning to destroy the crap in the way, and build roads towards the demon lairs.
Destroy whatever natural obstacle blocks civilization, then build roads to the demon lairs. When the last one is sealed, some plot event will happen that requires going to another action level.
That’s the basic gameflow of ActRaiser.

THIS IS AN END-GAME SPOILER FOR ACTRAISER Actraiser doesn’t pass the no big fozzle filter, though. Eventually you learn of the demon which cursed all the lands and have to go after him to kick his ass.


Sorry about that edit Ren but unmarked spoilers make me sad. :frowning:

The Suikoden series is pretty good for this too. They have big foozles but they tend to be subordinate to some human enemy, and only appear at the very end when you fight them.

FFT is almost the same, but it’s shit, so stay away from it.

The big foozle (gonna start using that) in FFT is about that of big foozles in other FF games post FFVII, in that they’re practically irrelevant to the rest of the game.

Harvest Moon.

The Harvest Moon games. You build a farm, make money out of it and marry a girl out of town. All those funny things you couldn’t do in real life. edit:I need to refresh before I post, really.

Falout 2 doesn’t really have a big bad. Your aim is to find an artifact to save your people from perishing (hey, you didn’t ask about no mcguffin); there are organisations that oppose you, but noone that single-handedly would be considered the Big Bad Wolf. Horrigan? You don’t need to spend a bullet, babe.

If I remember correctly Might and Magic VI had no big bad. The final dungeon was composed of countless big bads and it got reset and was quite pleasant all in all.

If I remember anything else, I’ll edit this.

I dont really consider Harvest Moon to be an RPG

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Although I suppose it might not count, seeing as how in one of the endings YOU KILL GOD.

Well, Harvest Moon is a roleplaying game. Sorry.

My posts suck and I’m a trolling jerkass.