Bush in 2005?

Damn, I’m stupid. I could have sworn that Bush said he was going to be the “American President” and not the “Republican President”. However, last I checked, he’s not really being the American President since he has goen against the American, and international, public most of his time.

One of my teachers once predicted that oil would run out sometime around 2035. That is when ti will be completely gone, not the point leading up to that. Also, this SUV craze America is going through isn’t helping the situation any.

Well, all my reasoning for NOT having him has already been iterated and reiterated many times over the course of the last, oh, year or two.

Everyone seems to be of the belief that I support Bush… I think he’s an asshole who does not deserve to run the most powerful country in the world… BUT once again I would, in my opinion, much rather see Bush in office than a person who is as wishy washy as Kerry… Yeah Bush said that there were WoMD and then said this and that… all BS excuses for finishing up something that his father did’nt finish during the Gulf War… but the fact is he removed a very dangerous man from power and, no matter what anyone says, the future of Iraq as a free country is now secure and with ALOT more work they will be enjoying the freedoms that we enjoy in the democracies that we all live in.

I also think one of the major influences in the upcoming election will be the capture of Osama Bin Laden, which I believe will happen very soon.

Oh and by the way… the poll on this website is not anything like the poll in reality :yipee:

Iraq’s basic infrastructure is now at a state more or less the same as its pre-war condition. We will see if the United States actually does manage to improve its conditions and bring the disgustingly ethnocentric “good old American democracy and freedoms” to Iraq.

In my personal opinion, I’d rather have a “wishy-washy” president (whatever that means; I assume you mean indecisive) rather than one that makes rash and <i>illegal</i> international decisions leading the United States.

The Bin Laden comment is unfounded, so I won’t address that.

And yes, this forum is generally anti-war or anti-Bush. I fail to see how one wouldn’t be, considering his actions.

You have no clue why my handle is Born Loser, and his has nothing to do with my political views whatsoever. Why is that you must resort to such name calling to support your argument ?

I can agree that Bush is a liar, he is a politician, he plays to the crowd. And ohh, what a great player Bush has been. He has used religion and even patriotism to work in his best benefit, he is a strong leader. Name one president who didn’t lie. Give me one. As far as gay marriage, what crowd do you think Bush was playing to ? Are they more homosexuals than there are christians ? i think not, Bush played to the larger crowd, as ALL presidents do. I can also agree that forign affairs should not be the sole aspect to look at when considering who to vote for, but the USA and France have been allies since we were just a few “bloody pesants”, but i do think their lack of support is disheartening, as now, my view of the Spanish has dropped much lower than that of the French.

As for the rights i fear the democrats woudl take from me are the rights that i have according to ammendments 1, 2, 4, and 14. The only one’s of these that i see the Republicans trying to take away is 4 and 14. In my view, it is the lesser of two evils. It is sad, and somewhat a blow againt a persons own integrity to be forced into such a choice. There is also the choice to not vote, but if you have a voice, why not use it ?

What are you going to do if things do look for the worse, and all your rights are being robbed from you one at a time ? When do you draw the line in the sand and dare them to cross ? When they forbid you from marrying the one you love based on an overused, and often misused religious ideal ? When they tap your phone, and haul you away and prosecute you without due process because of an off-handed comment, or even a joke, you made about the government ? When they rob you of you ability to defend yourself or your family from thugs and other vermin ? When we cant save ourselves, who will save us ? The French ? The Spanish ? The Iraqis ?

I direct you to the first paragraph written nearly 228 years ago:
“When the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the seperate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and the Laws of God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires thet they should declare the causes which impel them to the serperation.”

Will anyhting halt the use of the planets fossil fules ? Is it too late to put the fire out ? What are YOU doing to prepare for it ? When the fire burns out, and all thats left is a game for survival, how will you survive when they have taken your gun from you ? A wise old man once said to me “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst”

Well, we can see how the Patriot Act would take away rights, but what bills have Democrats proposed that would also be anti-constitutional, as you say?

As for the paragraphs with the questions, I am unclear as to whether you are talking about the Bush administration or Democrats.

Cless, well, the Assult Weapons ban would have been a major infringment on the 2nd ammendment, especially with the changes the Democrats added to it, which was why Congress did not pass it (yay for all us right wing conservative extremeists)

the questions are for anyone and everyone, political offiliation makes no diffrence when it comes to survival, and in the end, it’s all about survival.

It wouldn’t impose on the constitution. Also, then I suppose you think that babies and kids should be able to have weapons because the laws saying you have to be 18 obviously infringe on by your thinking. They are keeping guns from a large portion of our citizens. Also, laws restricting guns from felons must also be unconstituional since they are citizens and the constitution doesn’t say that felons are to be excluded.

The second amendment reads directly as follows:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. "

“Well regulated militia” is key in that. Also, it says nothing about all weapons being available.

What were these amendments added to the bill, perse?

Really, a ban on automatic weaponry isn’t such a big infringement. It only limits you to handguns, shotguns, rifles; you know, the completely non-lethal stuff. -_-

Because stetching our military very thin and gettign more terrorists and the world pissed off at us is so much better for us than an evil dictator half way around the world in a small country whose ass we can kick to the moon. Also, Bush is so much wiser of the military than Kerry’s bronze and silver stars and serving in Vietnam since he was a pilot in the National Guard. Also, have you been paying attention to the news? If you had, you’d know that Iraq is in a state of chaos right now and that insurgents are killing Iraqis to get us to leave. Peopl don’t feel like leaving their houses at night anymore. Also, Iraq’s freedom isn’t secured. Another evil dictator can still rise up in the future.

Yeah, you are correct, Born Loser. The assault weapons ban is probably not that great or whatever. I don’t like the idea of banning ANYTHING though- especially something that can be so easily monitored… but that really isn’t the point. I’d rather have the assault weapons ban, which doesn’t really affect most people, than the Patriot Act- which infringes on SEVERAL constitutional rights rather than just one.

By “most people” who are you refering to ? New York and California have the strictest gun laws, and they also have the highest crime rates. Steve, The Assult Weapons ban is not just a ban on automatic weapons, but those rifles and shotguns you are talking about as well.

Infonick, i am not saying that felons should be allowed by law to carry guns. Infonick, i am saying that a felon with a gun is allready breaking a law, and how am i able to defend myself from a felon with an illegal gun when me, being a law-abiding citizen give up my gun ? There are times when people can forfeit certain rights, and by commiting a felony or commiting Domestic Abuse are the circumstances in which a person DOES forfeit their right to keep and bear arms. Does a convicted pedafile have the right to open a pre-school or daycare ? I do not think so.

Loki, so far, the Patriot act infringes upon the 1st, 4th, and 14th ammendment, which is why i HIGHLY doubt it will actually be passed by congress. But if it is, have you heard of The National Initivie ? It is a process in which the People of the USA can change a bill that has been passed by Congress. Such an act might possibly spark a 2nd Civil War, or even a Revolution of the people against the Government. What do you think ?

The other key words to the 2nd ammendment are “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms.” A Militia is made of PEOPLE, Civilians, like me and you, and does NOT in any way refer to the Nation Guard. Allthough there isnt a need for a militia to be called up, we the people still have the right to keep and bear arms, that in any such event that should happen that a militia needs to be called up, we are ready, willing, and able to form one.

Do you want the USA to turn into a Police/Military State ? I sure as hell know I don’t.

The difference is that the restriction on felons not owning them isn’t in the Constitution. It is a law created restricting the law. Also, it says for militias. If you aren’t forming a militia, then there isn’t a real reason for you to have a gun. Also, that “civilians like me and you” only appilies to you; I’m military personnel. :ah-ha!:

You have heard that you can use statistics to prove anything right? Afterall, 99% of people know that. Your sayign that CA and NY have the strictest laws and the highest crime rates ignore several factors. One, the types of crimes. For all I know, CA and NY could have the highest drug related crimes while Rhode Island has the highest violent crime rate. Two, the fact that both states have some of the most highly the populated cities. Three, laws can play a big factor in amount crimes too. If I all of a sudden outlaw eating, I’m gonna have a ton of offenders.

Also, guess who came up with the Patriot Act. Republicans, yet you’d rather vote for someone who infringes on several amendments opposed to one amendment that is greatl misinterpretted anyway. Now that makes sense…

Also, you ask if I want a military/police state. Well, if you don’t want that, you won’t be voting for Bush. Bush is terrible to both sides. He uses the military for a bunch of operations and then tries to cut back our benefits. Bush is big on the military and increasing military spending on weapons and everything.

I aint saying Republican’s are our saviors or anything, either way you look at it, no matter who you vote for you get a shitty deal. Hell, i think all political parties are biased in one way or another. Why do you think the DEmocrats are so against the PAtriot Act ? because… the Republicans thought of it first. HAd the Democrats proposed it, the Republicans would be just as against it. Ever feed dogs ? how if you feed three dogs, one will always go and try to eat the other’s food, and then you have a fight… This is like that, only, we arethe food, and the Republicans and Democrats are the dogs.

All in all, call me a paranoid fucker or what, but there is certainly a revolution coming down the pipe, one that just might happen in our lifetime. Wheather is be racially, religiously, or politically motivated, there is one coming, has been coming for a long time…

On a more personal note, Infonick, what part of the military are you ? Whats your MOS ? Where are you stationed ? I will be joining sometime this year, i need to educate myself a little more and prepare myself physically for it before i enlist. I am thinking of becoming an MP, but that job will place me outta country pretty soon, and more likely to be apart of the fighting… I got a cosin(through marriage) that is just about to get sent back over there…

  1. The Democrats aren’t against the Patriot Act becuase the Republicans thought of it. The Democrats supported the war in Afgahnistan which was also a result of 9/11. They are against it because it takes away freedoms and is intrusive.

  2. We’ve had many revolutions and they haven’t destroyed us yet, so I’m not too worried. Some of teh revolutions I’m thinking of are: obviously the Revolutionary War, the Whiskey Rebllion, the Civil War and secession, the women fighting for the right to vote, and the Civil Rights movement off the top of my head. There ahve been more, but I’d need to look at soem of them more. Either way, we’ve survived them before, so I’m not too worried.

  3. Marine Corps! HOORAH! Err! KILL! I’m a 0411, MIMMS, the worst job in the Marine Corps. I’m at Pendleton. Actually, this weekend I found out that my unit is slated to depoly again (possibly Afgahnistan this time, but most likely Iraq, maybe Korea too).

Patriot Act Bill

Explaining the Assault Weapons Ban

Some More AWB

Note I haven’t had the time to fully look through the PAB page I posted (mainly due to length :thud:), so forgive me if it’s not the actual bill, although I’m pretty sure I’m right.

And although I don’t agree with either, I can see a point to the AWB; it’ll probably help to save more lives in the long run. The PAB has no immediate effects that I’ve seen; just more pissed-off people.

Infonik, The democrats have ALWAYS been against the warin Iraq and Afghanistan. I dont think i know a single Democrat that has ever supported Bush untill AFTER Saddam was captured. Their even saying Bush coulda stopped 9/11, they are blaming everything on Bush. “GM moved out of Indiana ? Must be Bush’s fault!” “Delco took their factory to Mexico ? must be Bush’s fault” This “blame busch” gets old after a while. Only SO MUCH can be blamed on the president. Besides, wars have started over much less than 9/11. Remember how WW1 started ? with the assassination of 1 man in some small country.

Say, what do you think of Colon Powel ? You think he has political ambitions or is simply a “Military Man”. I have checked his service record, and he’s been in some pretty rough shit. If he runs for presidency, think of what it’ll do to all the white supremacy groups. I dont even want to think of Hillary Clinton running… that’s just too much

EDIT: 200,000,000 dollars a fucking year ??? HOLY SHIT !!! This is a lot of reading… i will comment more on this later… and possibly in a less, or more, profane manner, depending upon what i see.
THe AWB pages you posted looked fairly liberal-influenced… i’ll get you some from AR-15.com

Actually, the vote to go to Afgahnistan was unanimous. Iraq and Afgahnistan are two different wars. I remember vividly hearing that the funding and ok for Afgahnistan was unanimous and telling my friends that we were going to war there because Congress is never unanimous. 9/11 was a pretty big thing and we had to do something about it. I wasn’t in the military at the time of 9/11 and didn’t join because of it. However 1 man vs a couple thousand people (just to keep it unbias) and tons of collateral damage, are quite different. Iraq was allowed because of the power Bush got after 9/11. The problem is that you are grouping Afgahnistan and Iraq together as oen war and action and just looking at the WMD talk. Afgahnistanw as started by normal methods of America going to war. Iraq started a yer and a half later. Bush may have started it under the blanket of terrorism, but it isn’t related. Do you even read the news or research your information?

Also, after reading about the ban a bit, it is pretty fair and mild. It doesn’t completely get rid of them and mostly limits the stuff that can come with it.


THis is a very good site for more info about Assult Weapons and the Assult Weapon Ban.

Uh, maybe you should watch what you’re saying Nate, because your points are less and less joined and backed up. “Those damn Democrats blame everything on the president” was your main point of your last post.

And for your information, the assassinated man happened to be the Archduke Ferdinard, future <b>ruler of Austria-Hungary</b>, a huge European empire, by a Serbian terrorist.