Yeah, that’s what I keep hearing. If you’re like that, shoo, shoo!
Anyways, evidence (check avatar) shows that there ar eBlue Mages in FFTA, and since there isn’t a single character that’s restricted to being a Blue, that means they have a new unified costume. A Neat Vizier type costume, along with the ability to equip Sabres exclusively! Coooooool… But I still miss the masks
And thus the question arises. Since FF5, there hasn’t been a “costume that identifies one as a Blue mage”, so I was wondering, how would determine how a Blue Mage looks like? Maybe this is the real thing! Or the FF5 one? Anyone have any ideas?
I think The Blue masks and Capes should be part of the uniform. That definitely shows them for what they are.
And why would people hate Blue Magic? Not only is it potent and useful, but it’s also fun to collect! besides, there’s a certain poetry behind using an enemy’s own spells against him, IMO.
Blue magic has always been a personal favorite of mine, and I love the new costume. Any outfit incorporating masks will always be iffy to me, and the new fluffly turban con feather is sweet.
Go away, Crono. We don’t like you anyway.
:ah-ha!: …all Blue Mages should look more like Quistis… :ah-ha!:
Seriously, this is good news, and I always liked the idea of Blue Magic (though I’m not always a fan of the token blue mage character) and so Blue Mage included as a generic [i.e. open to everyone] class is encouraging indeed.
Always got hooked easily on the “collect 'em all” hunting approach to Blue Magic.
Just imagine an ARMY of blue mages.
Thus far, they’ve sorta looked like Red Mages only blue colored instead of red (and such was one RPGC poster’s avatar… an FF1 Red Mage Sprite recolored blue). Some might think that they deserve a more unique and personal design, and perhaps they do, but, the recolored red mage look actually works well. Especially since Blue Mages can usually equip decent weapons and armor, rather than being restricted to the usual mage armorments of Staffs and Robes Of Wussiness.
One thing I always hated about blue magic was in FFVIII and X when they were only used as limit breaks- so you wait and wait, save up your limit bar for Quistis/Kimahri, and then you get a spell which is (if you’re lucky) 1.5 times as strong as usual.
Wow. -_-
The FF8 “draw” system would be perfect for blue magic- just draw, store and cast blue magic at your whim…
Originally posted by KaiserVonAlmasy
[b]:ah-ha!: …all Blue Mages should look more like Quistis… :ah-ha!:
Seriously, this is good news, and I always liked the idea of Blue Magic (though I’m not always a fan of the token blue mage character) and so Blue Mage included as a generic [i.e. open to everyone] class is encouraging indeed.
Always got hooked easily on the “collect 'em all” hunting approach to Blue Magic.
Just imagine an ARMY of blue mages.
Thus far, they’ve sorta looked like Red Mages only blue colored instead of red (and such was one RPGC poster’s avatar… an FF1 Red Mage Sprite recolored blue). Some might think that they deserve a more unique and personal design, and perhaps they do, but, the recolored red mage look actually works well. Especially since Blue Mages can usually equip decent weapons and armor, rather than being restricted to the usual mage armorments of Staffs and Robes Of Wussiness. [/b]
You’re right. Blue mages should all look like quistis. What is the token blue mage character?
Neb- I never thought about that, but I think it would work very well. Something good (besides Gunblades, Quistis, and triple triad) finally comes uot of FF8.
By token Blue Mage, I mean that FF games tend to have only the one blue mage in them. Like the “token black guy” in movies, often seemingly added only to diffuse any accusations of racial discrimination in casting (though if it’s an action or horror movie, look for this character to be fed to the monster, or the villian, or whatever.)
There’s one (1) of them added, just for the sake of having one.
Neb: That’s a really good idea for the draw/stock system (I can only hope that SquareEnix has somebody spying on you and snitching to the Creative Department). And for the most part you’re right about the limit-based Blue Magic attacks… (Although Shockwave Pulsar is a glaring exception to the rule…)
Yeah, some limit blue magic is good, like Shockwave Pulsar and Nova (FFX), the only problem is, by the time you’re good enough to get it, you don’t really need it any more…
And you know, there are some Blue Magics that are useful all the way to the end. Liek White Wind and Big Guard. Oh, and magic Hammer from FFVII. That’s really useful.
Yeah it is, in FF9, when you first fight Beatrix, i kept using that till she had no MP, or at least,not enough to use Climhazzard… But she used it anyways. the game cheats !!
Originally posted by Gilgamesh I dunno what you mean about them looking like Quistis (Pink dress) I think a mask and a cloak (blue of course) is good enough.
by that, I meant being a shapely young blond human woman (“oy, check out the pixels on HER! rawr!”)