Best. Fortune. Ever.

On three seperate occasions, I got a fortune that told me “Someone will invite you to a karaoke party”.

Hasn’t happened yet. Stupid cookie.

Once got a fortune from such a cookie, it said “Promote literacy, buy more fortune cookies” I have that one in my wallet still, as it is shameless advertising, but hilarious.

My dad got one extolling his talents, and my sister and I got a great laugh out of it.

Then there’s the one Rincewind got in Interesting Times. “Many … many … apologies …” … Now what does – gets hit over the head X.x

I got on that said

“Your partner will be proud of you in bed.”

You’re gonna have tons of sex… IN OUTER SPACE

I like that one… Dave.

I once got:

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Big Nutter
Or was it “Dave”?

I have the most creepiest one.

“it feels warm.”

a) It did not clarify WHAT feels warm b) it’s a fact that it does, indeed, feel warm “in bed” but that goes without saying 3) there were no lucky numbers or “chinese word of the day” IV) the entire thing was in lowercase alphabet.

Needless to say, I did NOT leave a tip. : \

Wow… I spent a good minute laughing at “it feels warm” as my mind went through like a list of things that could possiably feel warm.

Did you leave a note wishing that they live in interesting times?