Remember those people who saw the face of the devil in WTC’s smoke? Now believers of the hidden truth have seen a corpse on Mars. I wonder if it’s Elvis.
Tsk, tsk. Those Martians did a horrible job of burying their dead.
Hahaha, stupid stoners.
It’s a jawa!
Originally posted by Yar Kramer
It’s a jawa!
Well, they may be right…if those aliens were in fact made out of rock, and looked exactly like a rock, were the same colour as a rock,and were in fact, rocks.
Aaah! Rock alien corpses! The Mars zombies are coming to get us! Bradbury was right! :hyperven:
Shit, and I thought i had gotten rid of all the evidence. Damn those conspiracy whores.
he’s stoned
Looks like a powerpuff alien. :hahaha;
rolls eyes You have got to be kidding me…
Damn, so now we know why there is no life on Mars. They all got so bored, they turned into rocks. I guess that one was just not as good as the others, at looking like real rocks.
There’s conspiracy theories, and then there’s desperation for a quick story. :thud: :thud: :thud:
I knew I should have buried my bodies on another planet…
And what a cute bunch of rocks it is!
Originally posted by BahamutXero
rolls eyes You have got to be kidding me…
Lol - your avatar is my current wallpaper. I just changed it like a week ago =)
Originally posted by Devillion
By throwing their rocky bodies through space at our planet, all joining together to form a huge comet and crashing into Earth!
Quick! Call X-Com! They must destroy them before they invade us all!!!111!!1!!!eleven!!
Originally posted by Jakanden
Lol - your avatar is my current wallpaper. I just changed it like a week ago =)
I just found it today. I was looking for a Bahamut wallpaper that I found in the FFX-2 art book on google and I found this one instead. I’m using it on my desktop too. It really is a small world isn’t it?