Avatar: The Last Airbender

Dammit, I missed it!


Bangs head against wall :ark:

The little lemur was cute! I love the animal designs on this show :3

Right, Avatar update once again!

Today’s episode was rather amusing, sicne they immediately cut to a storytelling advice that peopel HAD to expect would come sooner or later: A man dressing up as a woman. And kicking ass while doing so. The three travellers were ambushed today by soem warrior women, and Sokka, after the obligatory “misplaced machismo” scene at the beginning, accepts that he still has a lot to learn about fighting, and asks them to teach him their fighting style. This says a lot to me aboutt he people who amde this show, sicne they obviously want Sokka to dgrow as well. We all see those shows with the person with mysticasl abilities learnign soemthing new wherever he goes, but it’s so refreshing for people to remember that warriors need to learn to fight, too. In the end, he stays long enough to learn some interesting techniques, and to also dress up like a woman. Unfortunately, the rules of storytelling rebelled here, and no otherwise-competent man tried to hit on him. Still, nice episode.

And for those who have missed the beginning of the series: They’re once again airing the entire series so far form beginning to end next friday in lieu of a new episode. So anyone who wants to watch it will tune in.

Wil, I’m looking at you specifically, and am gonna be PMing you every night to remind you. And dont’ you dare try to convince me you don’t need it. I knwo you too well, old man.

I saw it for the first time tonight, really pretty, they put a lot of work into it. I really enjoyed it

Val: thank you, I’m certainly looking forth to the reairings, since so far I’ve only managed to see only one episode (the one where Avatar finds out that he’s the last one of his people.) I’ve been very busy at night recently (typing up stuff for other people) so I keep forgetting to watch it. I’ve decided to start taping it, thought I have a problem with my VCR (it will only tape the channel I’m watching, since it’s hooked up to my cable box. And yes, I’ve tried different hook-ups) as a result, if I forget to set the channel, it’ll tape something else. That’s why I’m still missing some Abenobashi episodes. > <

Anyway: Yes, this series LOOKS like the typical western cartoon… but if you look closely, you’ll spot themes they’d never use in regular toons here. Like Sokka finding the corpses of his people, and the crossdressing bit mentioned above (Don’t let the FCC find out!!) :hahaha; More importantly, I get the feeling that there is a serious story here, one that will lead to a definitive conclusion, as opposed to just a bunch of adventures.

I like that the kids in the show act the way real children would, not as miniature adults as they often do in other cartoons. And I find the creature designs cute too. Here’s hoping it becomes the hit it deserves to be!

Water bending is one ability I would love to have. Another one I would love to have is beeing a paper master.

Actually, Aang is the Avatar, who found his people dead. Sokka is the brother of Kitara the Waterbender, and the only one of the three without bending powers. Still, he’s obviously learning to be abelt o hold his own againt their likes, too.

Edit: I HATE EVERYONE! I was just browsing Livejournal.com, seeing what people have to say about Avatar so far, and you know what I found?



I’d tolerated slash writers to an extent before, but now? Writing slash stories about this series when it’s barely FOUR EPISODES OLD?!

Screw it all, I need to blow up the world. Sorry, but… FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD! casts meteo on everything

What are slash writers by the way?

BlueMage: People who write Slash Fan Fiction. The type that pairs characters of the same sex. Man/Man or Woman/Woman (thus the “slash” term.) I’m not opposed to it (Gay fans have the right to fantasize about fictional characters too) but most of these stories are just poorly-written porn.

they write the gay

The same can be said for most stories in general <_<

Right, quick reminder for anyone who hasn’t seen the entire series yet: Tonight, at 8:00, they show all 4 episodes back to back again, for I think the last time. WATCH IT.


And you were right, old buddy. This show has ENORMOUS potential. To wit:

*A focus on ORIENTAL (or oriental-like) cultures, for a change.

*Very creative designs, for animals, costumes, etc.( My favorite is Ang’s staff/glider.)

*A well-developed mythology, which is being revealed piece-by-piece. (And I suspect there are things going on that haven’t even been hinted at yet.)

*While the show might look like kid’s stuff, the story is serious, and includes some bits that you won’t see in other american shows (like Ang finding his loved ones’ corpses, Sokka being forced to wear a dress, etc.)

*The characters act believably, especially the CHILDREN. In too many series like these, the kid heroes know what to do and do it without hesitation, as if they were adults. Not here. They are courageous, but still have a lot to learn, and their choices could cause even more trouble. If the show lets them learn from their experiences and I think it will- we’ll be treated to a Fantasy Epic with characters that we’ll see mature as the story goes. That’s fairly unusual in American cartoons, especially in Nickelodeon.

*And oh yeah, the funny parts ARE funny! ^^ (Thought I hope Sokka won’t be the comedy relief forever. He’s my favorite character too. And might grow into a strong and wise warrior.)

This series could become a landmark in animation, if they exploit all its potential. I hope they do, and I’ll certainly watch it faithfully from now on. Recommended.

I finally saw it…and I must admit that AVATAR is pretty cool and I was wrong.You know, people should really stop stereotyping things just because of what they seem,starting with me :slight_smile:

From what i saw on tv it like real Good. but i want to know why it is now nick

Why is it on Nick or why is it now Nick?
The latter question makes no sense to me, but the former does. I believe the people that work for Nick made up story so it’d be on Nick. Nickelodeon really only shows it’s own stuff. They really don’t buy things made by other groups. If that wasn’t your question, sorry ^^