As you wish

<a href=“”>Inconceiveable!</a>

Let the punning begin!

musical? satan has shattered my dreams with that bit of news.

Anything Princess Bride died with Andre the Giant.

Yeah, I was wondering how a stage production is going to sign someone to play Fezzik.

The swordfights will be hard to duplicate too.

You keep saying that. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Should we be afraid?

I am.

Stop that rhyming now, I mean it.

Does anyone want a peanut?

Wasn’t one of Anne Rice’s books about Lestat going to be a musical, with the music written by Elton John?

It just goes to show you, there is no God.

I thought Andre the Giant changed his name to Steve? :smiley: And the actual article doesn’t really make sense, as it just two sentences followed by a bunch of forum posts.

:moogle: HUMPERDINK!!