Been awhile…anyone still play FFXI, or get started recently? I stopped just shy of LV 72 in January to take a break, might pick it back up in April. Here’s a Q&A that addresses some of the concerns about the game, and what’s to come.
I’m still on Shiva. Currently a 56 Rdm in a static (we only get to play a few nights a week, sadly), 37Blm, 20Whm, 17Drg, 15Thf, 10 War, 10 Mnk, and so on. Sometimes puting down the game for a few months helps.
I stopped in Januari with a 34 RDM. Not too high, but it wasn’t any fun playing because my timezone sucks so I could only play with friends when I was supposed to be sleeping. Jumping back in if I ever get a real timezone.
I stopped when I got into the first WoW beta. I havent looked back sense. The one thing I DO miss about FFXI though, was that retarded people can’t get past level 20. And thus you only have to deal with bad parties from about 1-30 (for me, that was the case at least).
In WoW… Even noobs can get to 60 with enough time, which is great for them, but doesnt really help when those of us who WANT to be successful without dying need to get tasks done in a group.
But by level 49 with my paladin, I’ve learned that static parties are the only way to go in any MMORPG to date.
Yeah, man. FFXI is SO AWESOME if you can get everything to go right for a session. I really haven’t topped that feeling in other multiplayer games. It’s just so great because it’s hard as shit.