Charle says he’ll bid 2 cents. Can you beat that?
Charle says he’ll bid 2 cents. Can you beat that?
Nobody bid on it! That suckers mine!
Now that has to be one of the most ORGINAL items on eBay. But I think I’ll bid, absolutely nothing, since that is how much I want it.
Reminds me of when there was a paperclip sold. I wonder if the bids here will get that high as well.
Someone sold a Dollar coin for $1.20, plus 45c postage on the Aussie ebay once
Ohh! Oooohh! I’ll bid £2!
I’ll bid one american penny, and one canadian penny. so I bid slightly more than a one penny.
I’ll bid him goodnight!
LMAO SNOWBALL! I don’t know why, but I think that was the funniest things you have ever said!
At currently exchange rates I bet there’s someway that guy could make money on that.
The last bid was for 8 grand.
HOLY SHIT! AMERICAN CURRENCY! bids his life savings
Anyone see that guy who sold a computer model of a sphere?
Anyone wants to bid on a 10 Norwegian øre coin? It’s not even used anymore. Bidding starts at one £.
It’s not much more worth than a lire. You couldn’t buy anything with it, even when it was still in use.
Originally posted by Pierson
Anyone see that guy who sold a computer model of a sphere?
Have you ever seen when people bid on desktops, yet the entire frikkin full-sized desktop is right there in the preview?
Actually no, I haven’t. Point me towards them.
Originally posted by Pierson
Actually no, I haven’t. Point me towards them.
I’ll get it in one second, although it was pretty old, not sure if it’s still in the database.
S’OK, if it takes you actual effort then don’t bother, I was just curious and amazed that people would bid/offer things like that.