Another silly "Wich games should I get?" thread

I just bought myself a PS2. At last I can play all those RPGs I wanted to. What good games are avaible on the PS2? PSX too?

I bought .hack//Infection (Part 1) along with it. The anime DVD that came with it was just that good :smiley:

Iā€™m considering getting the 2 others .hack// later on when Iā€™ll finish the game.
Iā€™m also considering getting Legend of Mana for the PSX someday

Theres a 3D harvest moon out for PS2 that i play. Its pretty good. Otherwise you should pick up FFX, thats a good one, although i havnt finished it. >_<

They also so have a KOF 2 pack out for PS2, its not an RPG, but its a good fighter.

Originally posted by Booken
[b]I bought .hack//Infection (Part 1) along with it. The anime DVD that came with it was just that good :smiley:

Iā€™m considering getting the 2 others .hack// later on when Iā€™ll finish the game. [/b]

ahemā€¦the other three. QUARANTINE comes out this month, so you might as well go ahead and count it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I suggest you get KH, FFX, maybe Legaia 2: Duel Saga, Zone of the Enders, ZOE2: The 2nd Runner, Metal Gear Solid, MGS2: The Sons of Liberty, and if you think youā€™d like <a href=ā€œā€>Orphen</a>, go rent that.

Definitely get FFX. That was my first game when I bought my PS2, and Iā€™ve really enjoyed it. Also try Xenosaga. Iā€™ve wanted to try the Dark Cloud games, but I havenā€™t gotten around to it yet. Iā€™ve also heard that Disgaea is good.

A lot of people liked Kingdom Hearts, but I wasnā€™t one of them - I just never got into it.

You could go Final Fantasy crazy with PSX games (7-9, Tactics, Anthology, Chronicles, Origins) if youā€™re into the series. Iā€™d also get Xenogears when you can find it - Iā€™m playing it now and Iā€™ve never finished it before, but I think itā€™s super. Thereā€™s also Dragon Warrior 7, which I havenā€™t opened yet. I havenā€™t gotten to play many other games yet since I get bug-eyed in front of a TV when I sit there too long.

Soul Calibur 2, LOTR: Return Of The King, Kingdom Hearts, (PS1) FF 7 - 9.

THere are also plenty of good non-RPGā€™s (Although donā€™t get me wrong - RPGs are the way to go). Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Metal Gear Solid 2 (And soon to be 3), Tekken series, Soul Caliber 2 (Although i like the GC version better due to link), Gran Turismo 4, Silent Hill 3 and more.

Also some awsome games on the way. Altered Beast (Yes a remake of the orignal), Resident Evil: Outbreak, Metal Gear Solid 3, SpiderMan 2, etcā€¦

The Summoner games are pretty good.

Iā€™d also suggest FFX. Although I probably shouldnā€™t say this but FFX-2 is good too. Oh, and donā€™t forget Disgaea, and you may want to check out Culdcept.

Get the following:

.hack Quarantine
Tony Hawkā€™s Pro Skater 4(or Underground)
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers or RotK
FFX(if you want. I donā€™t like it personally)
Xenosaga(if you want a headache)

and a bag of chips.

You MUST get Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Not since CT has there been a game with so much replay value.

I thought Disgaea was X-Box exclusive?

Theres only the PS2 version of disgaea, no xbox version. you are certainly mistaken for another game.

If you like .hack//Infection, get the rest to play through the whole story. The gameplay is the same throughout without too many differences. FF10 is a must. Get Xenosaga if you donā€™t mind LONG cutscenes, otherwise, pass it up fast. Zone of the Enders is all right, but ZOE2: 2nd Runner is much better. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (youā€™ll like the extras over the Greatest hits version). Kingdom Hearts is pretty fun and clever, the FF-element is just a weaker than it originally sounded like, but the Disney element is great, in fact it makes me want to watch the Disney movies. Iā€™d hold off on Legend of Mana since it isnā€™t like Secret of Mana if that is what you are hoping for. ALso, the are many other games that are out that are better. If you want a run and slash Square game like Secret of Mana, get Kingdom Hearts. After FF10, you can get FF10-2 which is pretty good. If you want a Dark Cloud game, get the second one. The first one is very repetitive.

To put a definitive end to Diseaga:

LoM is one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played, though its not for everyone and judging from past experience and what I know about you, I donā€™t know if youā€™ll be able to appreciate its depth.

FFX owns. Xenosaga owns (though its not for everyone - its not a game, its basically playing a movie). As others said, if you like .hack, the concensus is that the rest is mostly the same, so enjoy. Disgaea is a must, though I havenā€™t played. No time, no moneyā€¦ Donā€™t get Dark Cloud 1. Its a bad Zelda clone. Pierson is the first person Iā€™ve ever heard say anything good about the summoner games so Iā€™d be careful.

KOTOR was an xbox exclusive, though its being ported to pc I thinkā€¦

KoToR is already out on the PC. I have it :ah-ha!:

nice game.

But for PS2 RPGs, disgaea is a must if you like games such as FFTactics, fire emblem, front mission, etc.

Originally posted by Sinistral
[b]LoM is one of the best games Iā€™ve ever played, though its not for everyone and judging from past experience and what I know about you, I donā€™t know if youā€™ll be able to appreciate its depth.

FFX owns. Xenosaga owns (though its not for everyone - its not a game, its basically playing a movie). As others said, if you like .hack, the concensus is that the rest is mostly the same, so enjoy. Disgaea is a must, though I havenā€™t played. No time, no moneyā€¦ Donā€™t get Dark Cloud 1. Its a bad Zelda clone. Pierson is the first person Iā€™ve ever heard say anything good about the summoner games so Iā€™d be careful.

KOTOR was an xbox exclusive, though its being ported to pc I thinkā€¦ [/b]

Iā€™d say that Legend of Mana is all abotu taste, Iā€™ve played through and beaten it, but it just didnā€™t catch me the same way that the other Mana games did. My problems with it are probably expectations vs reality. For me it is average, a good game to play through, but there are plenty of ther games worth my time a little bit more.

I wouldnā€™t call Dark Cloud a bad Zleda cloen though since they are VERY different games. Aside from the sword slashing and hero with a green cover, they are pretty different. Dark Cloud would be more comparable to Diablo, since they are both dungeon exploring games.

KOTOT is out on PC already, but yeah, the only console you can get it on is XBOX. It is a game that no one should miss though. It has a great story, really feels like Star Wars, instead of just looking like Star Wars. it also has tons of replay value. There are probably at least 16 different ways to play through it, excluding the 6 different character classes, solely on story alone. The game takes about 30-40 hours too, so you do the math and that is a lot of excellent gameplay.

Vice City is out for PS2 too, right? Get it.

Originally posted by Ren
Vice City is out for PS2 too, right? Get it.

Actually, the GTA Double Pack might be a btter purchase if you are recommending GTA. You get both and it is only $20. I never really got into GTA though. It seems like it sold more based on its premise than its gameplay.

Devil May Cry, Suikoden 3, Wild Arms 3, and FFX-2 are all good.

I vouch for Suikoden III as well.