…Did I scare everybody off? No one posted all weekend since Thursday…
Anyhow, St. Ajora… Can you write a Mystic FAQ and send it to GameFAQs? I really want to make some leet Mystic skillz but I don’t know all the ends and outs about them that other people here seem to already know. There’s a LOT of unspoken information on this game that the message board people know, especially about Mystics, and I think other people who aren’t as SF-savvy might want access to that info.
When you say a mystic FAQ. You’re talking about what you get when you absorb enemies right? Or do you mean something else?
General guide to things like which monsters give which stats/abilities, what the relative attack powers and effects are of the different Mystic abilities, which Mystic abilities combo well, uses for specfic characters… just generally how to use them well.
PS You ever play Legend of Mana? Very entertaining characters. Pirate Penguins, Dudbears, the Pelican… =P
Well it’s been awhile since I played SaGa Frontier. I didn’t explore what abilities Mystics got too much. Also some enemies can be rare. Perhaps I’ll make a guide one day. But I’m not promising anything. I can tell you this. Tiger Rampage seems to be an ability that combos with itself. Same with Titas wave. As for Legend of Mana yes I’ve played and replayed it a few times. As of right now I’m currently playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and soon Tales of Symphonia then Star Ocean 3. Perhaps on the side I may consider playing SaGa Frontier. And maybe collect data. I don’t know yet. I’ve only really bothered to make two FAQs.
Edit: Also I’m not that good at things like formulas. I can however give some basic advice.
Magic Use Only: If you want your Mystic to just use spells then give the Mystic three Suzakus. End of story.
Ability Use: If you plan to have a Mystic use abilities then I recommend this. Choose two abilities you want to use. Ie one in the gloves and one in the boots. Or one in the sword and one in the gloves. Or one in the sword and one in the boots. For the remainder give the Mystic a Suzaku.
If you plan to use both magic and abilities. Think carefully. Is your Mystic going to use both Star Light Heal and Magic Heal? If so stop. That’s ultimately wasteful. Use one or the other.
Look at your Mystic’s base stats for a clue on the path to take them. Now I’m not sure if Mystic abilities are affected by varying stats. Ie one may be affected by strength and another by intelligence. However the fact that Rei has low strength and high intelligence is a good indication to make her a mage.
That’s all for now sorry about the lack of advice and such. But as I said before. Being able to get deep into math and strategy is not my expertise. I could at the very least post every once in awhile in this thread things like X then Y is a combo. Z in the sword give the ability J. And etc. Of course that’s when I decide to play the game. Right now I am on other things.
<i>I could at the very least post every once in awhile in this thread things like X then Y is a combo. Z in the sword give the ability J. And etc. </i>
Even that would be great. What games did you make FAQs for? I’m curious. Unlimited SaGa?
Crystal Chronicles is fun but it’s not something I’d want to play exclusively for that long. I was playing with some friends last night where I was the only transfer character; they all had advanced weapons and armor and I had Iron Armor and a Warrior’s Weapon. I was okay though 'cause of my obsessive Artifact hunting in single player.
But I understand perfectly. I swap games frequently and don’t like to break my “groove” with one till I burn out. Maybe too frequently. I’ve got a Dias FAQ halfway done and I haven’t played SO2 in months. ::doh::
My two FAQs are for Unlimited SaGa. Also I’ll probably end up alternating between FF:CC and ToS. I’ve been slow about playing games. So I hope to in the future play games more often again. I’ve been too distracted. Ie I’ll be on the computer to make sure I can use it. To make a long story short, I’m going to need to cut back my comp use and play the system more.
I want to at least try Unlimited SaGa but that may prove difficult seeing as I bought a Gamecube instead of a PS2. I’m not sorry at all, Sony! Hahaha!