This thread will, I hope, eventually, be a small repository people can browse when thinking of what series to watch or read next. If you have anything you want to recommend, new or old, stick the name, some general info and a description down. I only ask a few things:
[ul][li]Please try and avoid repeats unless the post already there sucks. If the person three posts up posted a good description about Naruto already but you want to as well, tough shit.
[/li][li]No lists. Tell us what the series is about at the minimum. If I see you making a list of names I will edit your post into amusing insults directed at your matriarchial figure. Hell, copy a synopsis from another website if you’re so desperate to not have to type it out yourself, but no lists.
[/li][li]For the love of God don’t start arguing when someone posts Major or Bleach or whatever the current trendy shounen fighting/sport-action-drama is. Same goes for the ‘classics’ like Evangelion or FLCL. If you think it sucks, fine, just let someone else post it.[/ul]
See? Fun! I’ll start with my two favourite things ever.
Noein (sci-fi anime, ongoing)
A series about alternatly a group of unstable dimension-hoppers searching for some mystical artifact to save their dimension from destruction and a group of teenagers who get wrapped up with their mission. That doesn’t even begin to describe how crazy-awesome this show is. The plot hangs together perfectly, the characters are great and the fighting is incredible. NB will back me up on this one. <3 Atori.
Crest of the Stars, Banner of the Stars, BotS 2 and BotS 3 (sci-fi anime, complete)
A lot of people say this is about spaceship battles and awesome political intrigue, but it’s not really. It’s about a human kid named Jinto forced into an alien nobility when his planet is taken over, who meets a girl called Lafiel, and their entire relationship over the years the anime follows (there will be more series). It’s based on a series of ongoing books that’re slowly being translated themselves and I hope it never ends because Lafiel and Jinto are the greatest character studies in anime, ever.