Am I???

We can only hope.

I used to have a pet fetus in my sig. i’m sure nobody remembers that. cuz Merl made me take it down like 10 seconds later!

I have the Grammer of a 10 year old.

But I’m 20.5

Worse, actually.

Yeah, seeing as this ten year old is quite literate ^^

This kid’s cool. And she can type. BONUS.

Dude! Oh man, you have no idea how long seven years is. One day you’ll look back and remember this post you made when you were ten, and like…HOOOOLY crap, it’ll be so crazy for you.

Anyways uh, glad to have you on board.

Yeah, this should be really interesting.

Dont fraternize with the noobies, Steve.

I wish I was that cool when I was 10. I wasn’t even that cool last year at 16 when I joined. I’m still making up for that.

I’ve been here 3 years now.

You and me are connected Steve, because I joined one day before my birthday which is…your birthday. Hold my hand so we can sing cumbya.

Hehe, eva said cum.


COOM not CUM. shakes fist angrily Turkies.

It’s right there!

Actually, CH, Ezboarder is 9.

It’s pronounced COOM. Honestly, were’nt you ever in brownies or scouts, Mr Charlemagne?

Of course, when I was a little girl I was a brownie scout. I forgot.

I’m 10, damn you.