Aeon Flux!

They’re making a movie of it. Charlize Theron is Aeon.

From the little I’ve seen it seems different from the old MTV cartoon (for example, at first look the city doesn’t look like a post-apocalyptical cyberpunk hell)… But I’m still eager to see this one.

Never saw the original but it looks like something I’d like to see.

I think I’d go see this. I don’t remember much of the cartoon.

All I remember is there being a lot of cod-pieces, ugly people making out, and clothing made mostly of leather straps.

I remember flies and eyeballs.

Live action? Ugh.

That has to be my least favorite of Chung’s works, and that’s a lot considering Alexander is the only one I didn’t hate. Actually, I never understood what the heck it was about in the first place.

I liked Aeon Flux when there was no plot and no talking. It was just Aeon trying to escape places. And she died most of the time. Then they tried to make it a real show by putting in dialog and a plot and stuff. That killed it.

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