If anyone has heard from me a while back, they’d know about the fucked up supermarket my mother works at.
WEll I have more to add now.
In the deli freezer, there was some pretty old meat. Now the deli manager was told to let one of the store managers (I’ll call him E.) to inspect any meat that lies in question.
Fair enough… but it ended up forgotten. The meat was there when my mom STARTED.
Later on, (Last night, as of this writing) E demands the meat to be taken out. Now it’s gotten pretty rancid.
Now logic says that if it’s slimy and smells bad, you throw it out, right?
Not our intrepid manager. He tells the produce girl to wash it up, slice it, and prepare it for sale. He also tells her nto to let my mom know about this.
Well she tells my mom. Mom ends up in a SERIOUS fit and throws the shit out.
Now, normally I could chalk this up to little food experience (He apparently was a manager in a GM plant), but late events and the fact that he told the produce girl not to tell my mom makes me think that he knows exactly what he’s pulling.
My mom has said that if she sees the meat again, she’s calling the authorities. Not to E though. She did tell the deli manager about it though.
One wonders… apparently the deli manager asked another of the store managers to get rid of some bad chicken. And it ended up in the mant department’s freezer.
This is stuff that can make people seriously sick or kill them. Ate the managers TRYING to get the place shut down?
One wonders…