I’ve been playing a game called Adventure Quest lately and its pretty fun. Here is the link: http://www.battleon.com/default.asp
Good luck getting on the server has a maximum amount of people that can be on. If you buy the guardian status for $15 you get on everytime, and it expands the game a bunch.
it looked cool, but im not paying, right now, im money tight. Im buying this bass guitar, and its basically taking all my money. What funny about this thing, it leads u to believe its all free, but in order to get everything, u have to pay money, i mean they deactivate your account if u arent on for so long. I love the game, hate the hidden stuff.
I played that just within the last week or two, it was okay but it got kinda dull after awhile. I played free of course.
same here, but they wanted me to pay 15 bucks in order to become a guardian…what the heck?
I went ahead and payed the $15 to become a guardian because I like games that are based on leveling up.
ya, kinda like FF(final fantasy), u strive to level up, till u cant level up anymore.
Actually I dont think there is a cap on leveling up because a monster I fought was at level 400. (I died in 1 hit)
never mind, forget what i said…i said nothing, i command you to forget.
Lost intrest about 10 minutes in, my 15 dollars can be better spent on anything other than this POS game, even RO.