I just finished (kind of) watching this movie, and I must say; it is one of the greatest video-game to movie transitions, ever. I’m sure Silent Hill will compare, but this for now, takes the caik.
I watched the movie (Japanese version burned to DVD with english subtitles, poorly done I might add) from the beginning, to when Tifa fights Loz, and then the sound balance went all shitty; so my friend wanted to turn it off and burn a better copy. We all agree’d, but I wanted to see Sephiroth so much, so I asked him to fast forward to Sephiroth. He fast forwarded to the part when Kadaj is hanging off the building with one hand, with Jenova’s neck in the other hand, and I watched it from then on to when Sephiroth turned back into Kadaj.
I must say, the latter part I saw was amazing! When One Winged Angel began to play, I almost shit myself. “I’ll show you my reunion.” Incredible!
Has anyone else seen it on these boards (not suprising if you have), and like to share your thoughts?
NINJA YUFFIE EDIT: Kadaj is so much more badass than Sephiroth.
Meh. I wasn’t really all that interested when it came out last year, as I wasn’t the best of FF7 fans (I really dislike FF7), but my friends kind of pushed me to watch it at their house, which was right before this thread pretty much. Well, not right before; but before.
Well, I just thought Sephiroth in FF7 (game) didn’t have much action. Sure, the story was THICK around him, but did he make any giant explosions with Bahamut? No. No he did not.
I don’t know, when I first saw the SHM before they attacked Cloud in FF7:AC, I was like: “Holy shit, the one with short hair is fucking awesome looking.” And I stood by that. I didn’t even see the entire movie, but I know he fucking rocked.
Sephiroth didn’t have any cool lines like: “I’ll show you my reunion.”
edit; oh shit wrong forum button disregard double post
No, he just killed off a main character and the president of the company he’d been working for, burned down the main character’s home village, and then summoned a meteor to decimate the planet. Guess thats got nothing on Bahamut though
And I thought that “I’ve thought of what to give you as a gift… shall I give you despair?” was a better line from Sephiroth.
“It’s been a long time, Cloud” was the best line in the entire movie. That scene was predictable as hell but it still sent my inner fanboy squealing. The movie really redeemed Sephiroth for me, I realized he’s not that bad once you ignore the unjustified hype.
I would have preferred they’d leave the original One Winged Angel, or at least the remix they used in the trailers. ‘Advent: One winged Angel’ wasn’t as good.
That said… what the heck’s up with the jumping? I mean, jeez.
I saw it a while ago. I thought it was good after the third viewing, because I’ve only played the 1st cd of FF7, so I had no idea what was going on. My favorite part was near the end, when all of the characters came back and fought against… the monster thing. I loved the voice acting, though, so I doubt I’ll ever watch it in English, unless it’s very good. All in all, a quality movie in a genre with very few “clean” movies, like this one.
I agree about the plot being mediocre, but I think my sister said it best when she called it a “visual orgasm”. Yes, yes, that was Jing. :kissy: The movie is certainly very easy on the eyes, unless you’re epileptic of course.