(Sorry about the caps thats the way it was written before) This is from the playstation 2 warranty. I though it was kinda funny someone must have said that their ps2 was broken by an act of God.
Wow. Oh well, my Ps2’s warranty is screwed anyway, it one of the first ones out, so I screwed with the inside when it was screwing up, it works from tiem to time, but I need a new one soon…I’ll have to go buy one ina few weeks.
My lens is kind of fucked up. It doesn’t read some DVDs on the first try. Its a good two or three years old, so I guess I could go for an update. But I’ll probably wait for the next generation consoles to come out before I upgrade.
I had the same problems, guys. DRE’s aren’t cool or a laughable manner. I could fix it, and I’d find a link so you guys can fix it, but, it’d re-appear after 8 months of fixing it. Then, you repeat. But overdoing it, tolly kills the console. For example, on my 3rd fixup, I sorta killed it. It won’t turn on now.
You know what, I’ll find that link. Give me a few minutes.
There’s another “act of god” at the end of the book that destroys the front of Dirk’s house, and in the sequel, Douglas Adams was going to have him try to argue that it was only the Judeo-Christian god this referred to, and not the Norse gods.