A question for chatroom users

First of all, thanks to Merlin for giving me permission to post this here.

I need to know how many people here use IRC on a regular basis and how many of them are willing to assist me with something.
I’m in the process of setting up a channel and I’m a bit short of ops for the time being. I need responsible people to moderate the channel in a fair way. My PM inbox is crammed right now, so any people interested can inform me by posting here.
All the selected applicants will be granted op status at the same time once the selection process is complete.

Read posts carefully, because you’ll waste your time posting about something completely unrelated!

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Originally posted by Cless Alvein
7. Lastly, never tell anyone that you don’t completely trust with your channel, so if Xelo asks for it, don’t give it to him :stuck_out_tongue: That should be it.
Dude, I already know it from a simple /whois. #sanctuary.

And cless, he was looking for ops, not help.

What kind of room is it?

It’s supposed to be a general-purpose room where people can have fun or debate interesting topics. I think I can be rather lenient with the rules, as long as people can keep an acceptable environment.

Yeah, we don’t already have 10 of those that sit empty except for the owner.

I’ll help.

Attention, Kor, Eva and Cala: I need you to go to #sanctuary as soon as possible in order to discuss a few things.