A public announcement of sorts

Waitaminit, if I was Faetan’s adopted son, then wouldn’t that make Val my technical sibling? Wait. Did I get this right at all, or should I stop trying to understand the tree?

Well, Fae, you already know how I feel about this, so I’ll just be brief here and say that I’m really happy for you two. If I were a girl I’d totally have a major crush on Zero, and as it is I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Fae, so from my standpoint you two are a match made in heaven.

Best wishes in the future. :slight_smile:

-Mazrim Taim

Heh. I’d thought you had a bit of a crush on Weiila.

But that’s great Z, Fae. You two are lucky. Fae’s really realkly nice and stuff, so yeah Z, you is very lucky.

Not as lucky as me, but hey…

'course I knew about this a looooooong time ago, but congrats again all the same! Good luck, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! …which pretty much means you could do anything at all, so I dunno why I even bothered saying that.

<font color="#2F528D">Big brother is watching you…</font>

Originally posted by Faetan
So stop hitting on him, Charlemagne!!! >:E
NEVAIRE! nor will I stop hitting on you! You should have known what you were getting into when you put Female under your gender box!

Weiila: Deal, but I claim Thanksgiving.

Macc: Bwah ha ha ha…now we can do ANYTHING and blame it all on you! Thou art now the RPGC scapegoat!

Everyone Else But Char: Thanks you guys, how sweet! No worries, Zero’s been SO good to me, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Really, you should be threatening ME!

Char: I never put that in my gender box! I put “Don’t Touch Me”!

Originally posted by Faetan
, you should be threatening ME!


Originally posted by Faetan
Everyone Else But Char: Thanks you guys, how sweet! No worries, Zero’s been SO good to me, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Really, you should be threatening ME!

I think that answers your question Charl.

Charl was not included there, thus he cannot threaten me. NYAH!!!

Macc: Bwah ha ha ha…now we can do ANYTHING and blame it all on you! Thou art now the RPGC scapegoat!

I thought that was Cid or Merlin we blamed things on?

Ok… nevermind << >>

Originally posted by Orakio
[b]I thought that was Cid or Merlin we blamed things on?

Ok… nevermind << >> [/b]

I thought it was Merl too Orak.

Gets a piano ready

Just in case…:hahaha;

Maz, I thought you would have a crush on Sin if you were a girl.

“I am secretly head over heels for Sin and want to bear his children, but don’t tell his girlfriend that.” - Maz

I think you can probably have Thanksgiving without any fuzz, Fae - we don’t celebrate that in Sweden.

My sister speaks a good point. Then I claim midsummer!

Congratulations you two, enjoy yourselves.

oldskoolSNESSgtPeppervoice Goodluck.

Dude, the DOG said that, not the BUNNY! Rrrgh! Some people! stomps off in a fit of righteous video game rage

-Mazrim Taim

puts a bow in the Mazfro while he passes by

You know, I just realized I have more step-siblings and half-siblings and cousins than everyone else. I am now the Center of the RPGC Family Knot! Whoo!

And nice to see you again, Maz.

Congrads Fae and Zero. ^^ Best of luck to the both of you and I hope everything goes all right. ^^

Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
[b]You know, I just realized I have more step-siblings and half-siblings and cousins than everyone else. I am now the Center of the RPGC Family Knot! Whoo!

And nice to see you again, Maz. [/b]

I probably make about 1/2 of that knot. :stuck_out_tongue: