A Poem: Between Potency and Existence

I wrote this quickly, since I wasn’t worried about a regular meter, but I think it turned out okay. Let me know what you think.

Between Potency and Existence
Senselessly it ebbs and flows
Intangible, unpatterned
Adverse to the eagerly grasping mind
Emotion is too fleeting: how should one retain it?

Here, in native potency
In a dim-lit chamber posed on tiptoe
One seems to see through the opaque shadow
Does existence linger across that impenetrable shadow?

Blindly in, across, and out
Navigating the shadow is always blind
Senseless, adverse to the eagerly grasping mind
Belief is the shadow between potency and existence.

I don’t feel like trying to understand the third layer of meaning or anything, but I read it once and it was a pretty awesome poem.

I think this one went mostly over my head, but I agree with Hades, it’s a very nice poem. Let’s see if I can’t try and figure out what I did get out of it! :thinking:

The first stanza seems pretty clear. It’s talking about emotions, and how uncontrollable they are, not something that can be easily dissected and examined, no matter how hard we try.

The second stanza is a bit harder. If I had to forward a guess, and try to connect it to the first one, I’d say the ‘native potency’ is when we allow ourselves to just feel our emotions. But because our perceptions are coloured by our emotions, we’re not seeing the whole story, so things are shadowed, and we miss out on things in life.

For the third stanza; despite let ourselves be ‘blinded’ by our emotions, we still try to search for the truth, although it often slips us by. Even when our own perceptions have been coloured, we often allow ourselves to trust others’ in efforts to get the whole picture. Our faith in others allows us to step out from the ‘potency’ and get closer to ‘existence’, or allows us to live between the two.

Well, that’s what I’ve managed to get. Let me know if I was even close? Nice poem though!

Thanks to both of you for your compliments. I’ll give a little interpretation of the poem:

The first word of the first line is “senselessly”: this poem is about a speaker trying to deal with the senselessness of emotion. The speaker tries to take hold of emotion and preserve it, but emotion is “adverse to the eagerly grasping mind”. His attempts to consciously maintain a state of feeling have only negative results: “Emotion is too fleeting”. He tries and fails to figure out how to experience and retain emotion.

Native potency is the state of the speaker at this point. He is aware of his emotional potential, aware that he has the potential to experience emotion more intensely. His native potency is the “dim-lit chamber” he is standing in. The dim light is an important contrast to the shadow he enters blindly: he is still attempting to navigate by sight. Navigating by sight equates with trying to experience emotion by making sense of it.

Now the speaker talks about the shadow. He cannot really see, or reason, what lies across the shadow, since it is opaque; yet, sometimes, he “seems to see through the opaque shadow”. He wonders if emotional existence, the fulfilment of his emotional potency, lies across the shadow. He calls the shadow impenetrable because sight, and a seeing person, cannot penetrate it.

The shadow is the process to emotion. It is a blind process, a senseless process: “Blindly in, across, and out / Navigating the shadow is always blind”. The process to emotion is incompatible with attempts to make sense of and control it: it is “adverse to the eagerly grasping mind”.

The last line contains the message of the poem: “Belief is the shadow between potency and existence.” The essence of the blind, senseless process to emotion, incompatible with attempts to make sense of it, is belief. To make the transition from emotional potency to emotional existence, one must move purely by senseless belief.