A moment 'll never forget.

that’s quite possibly the best thing to ever happen in Scrabble history. Or maybe not. Better than kwyjibo

Impressive, you made Spoony happy.

Congratulations, Val!

It’s been ages since I played Scrabble… and that was in SPANISH. If you think English has WEIRD words, try playing it in the Tongue of Cervantes. Ye gods!! :thud:

Heh, I wish I could encounter such novelty.

Originally posted by Agent Proto
that’s quite possibly the best thing to ever happen in Scrabble history.

LOL! Spoony?! That’s great! Whenever my family and I play scrabble, we’re always using rather . . . ahem non-mentionable terms.

I once spelled “Sequoia”.

That’s the shortest word in the english language that contains all five vowels, btw. :slight_smile:

And a word of advise to all scrabblers: “Aa” is a word. Look it up. :hahaha;

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
And a word of advise to all scrabblers: “Aa” is a word. Look it up. :hahaha;

What does it mean?

A kind of volcanic rock, I think …

That’s . . . interesting. I’m too lazy to get up and look it up myself. :thud:


Well, perhaps you’ll look BACK on it and say “Classic”, but still.

Pshaw. Val’s already in a classic by herself.

Damn skippy!

Nicely done, Val.

Originally posted by Phantasy_Starlight
That’s . . . interesting. I’m too lazy to get up and look it up myself. :thud:

Dude, you are sitting at a PC. Go look.