that’s quite possibly the best thing to ever happen in Scrabble history. Or maybe not. Better than kwyjibo
Impressive, you made Spoony happy.
Congratulations, Val!
It’s been ages since I played Scrabble… and that was in SPANISH. If you think English has WEIRD words, try playing it in the Tongue of Cervantes. Ye gods!! :thud:
Heh, I wish I could encounter such novelty.
Originally posted by Agent Proto
that’s quite possibly the best thing to ever happen in Scrabble history.
LOL! Spoony?! That’s great! Whenever my family and I play scrabble, we’re always using rather . . . ahem non-mentionable terms.
I once spelled “Sequoia”.
That’s the shortest word in the english language that contains all five vowels, btw.
And a word of advise to all scrabblers: “Aa” is a word. Look it up. :hahaha;
Originally posted by GG Crono 4
And a word of advise to all scrabblers: “Aa” is a word. Look it up. :hahaha;
What does it mean?
A kind of volcanic rock, I think …
That’s . . . interesting. I’m too lazy to get up and look it up myself. :thud:
Well, perhaps you’ll look BACK on it and say “Classic”, but still.
Pshaw. Val’s already in a classic by herself.
Damn skippy!
Nicely done, Val.
Originally posted by Phantasy_Starlight
That’s . . . interesting. I’m too lazy to get up and look it up myself. :thud:
Dude, you are sitting at a PC. Go look.