5000 posts!

“Well since we havent had one of these for awhile”…ha ha ha. Anyway, I think I’m correctly going by the rules of the X-amount of posts rule. Before I hit my milestone, I ask people to ask me something, and then answer on my 5000th post. I’ve never done the question thing before, and will only do it once, so make it memorable and entertain me please :frowning: I promise I wont respond with one word answers.

Come on then! Ask me lots of questions! I’ll do my best to answer them honestly.


How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

North Korea or Cuba?

Sex with Stalin or Lenin?

Am I drunk?

Geeks commonly complain of persecution. Is this a trajic abortion of social justice or an integral part of the geek identity at large? That is to say, if all school hazing were ended, would geeks be the worse for it?

What does the inside of a vagina feel like?

I can’t believe how these questions are so varied. Tee hee more, it will be fun!

How do you, as a woman, put up with questions like that? Also, are your rl male friends as geeky as the people here?

What’s the most interesting experience you’ve ever had? The most disturbing? Vivid? Pleasurable?

If our roles were reversed, would you have copied me instead?

Do you really have a penis, or do you just play one on TV?

If Quentin Tarantino, Steven Spielberg and Alfred Hitchcock’s zombie worked together in a movie, what would be the result?

Why the heck do people think Keanu Reeves can act?

Why do I remember a certain girl from Canada in this very forum saying she thought these things were dumb and would never make one?

What a blowhard. Hopefully that girl is gone.


What are your hopes for the future?

Is being funny in a wierd way cool or strange? How’s Canada?

Are you still working on VP? 8P

Do you have girl friends here? Cos I could use someone to talk about shoes and shopping sometimes.

Okay, if you got all the time you’ve spend posting on these forums back, what would you do with it?

Album, live performance or live performance album?

Chrono Trigger of Final Fantasy 6?

Lavos or Sephiroth?