11 year old girl will be Britain's youngest mother next month.

I’d like to say to you that I know I am stable, and not having “psychopathic tendencies”. Yes, I share quite a heavy pro-progressionist view… but that is unrelated to any mental instability. I have had that checked, in the past, and also have undergone anger management. (Leaving after two sessions being dismissed as fine)


Someone’s repeatedly missing the point.

And what exactly is your point?
You just want me to shut it?
Okay then…


Might be part of it, but then again, let’s have a look at your “pro-progressionist view”.

That actually gives me a GREAT idea! Why don’t we do as you say and kill off this kid, the guy who got her pregnant, and her mother. They’re obviously all too stupid to live, seriously. The world will be better off without them.

And why stop there? While we’re at it, let’s construct an IQ and fitness test for everyone to do. Of course, only the prime of the crop will make it out on top. Then we’ll just have to think of a way to get rid of all those unworthy bastards. Of course, just killing them off may harm the economy, since nobody will be left to do all the jobs the rest of us don’t want. So! This is what we’ll do. We’ll send off all the idiots to special camps where they get to work from dawn 'til dusk without pay, until they die of exhaust. Of course, there will be the weak among them who won’t be any good at all from the start, so we’ll weed them out and give them quick, merciful deaths.

Then only the truly great and good people will be left, and we’ll build a glorious future of intelligence and equality, together. But then of course, we’ll have to make sure that future will continue to be full of only smart, good people, so we’ll have to have a goverment founded society which works with chosing who gets to breed with who, in order to ensure the best results!

And let’s all eat poor people’s infant children too, while we’re at it. I hear this guy named Swift said they were highly nutricious. Only the best is good enough for our superior brains, after all!

Smashing good!

Now now Weiila, babies are only to be sold and eaten in times of famine.

You miss the point, it will affect the baby, giving it an even worse life than it would have anyway (probably).

And uh, if she doesn’t know, I’m not sure which is worse, her not knowing smoking would affect the baby or her knowing and doing it anyway. Both are pretty disturbing in a mother, and I definitly think she shouldn’t be allowed to raise it. Note: Not suggesting abortion.

Your “pro-progressionist” views, as displayed by Weiila, just seems to be a form of social darwinism, which is in turn a form of racism if taken in special situations. Which is, in case you don’t know, a stupid and biased version of ol’ Dawrin’ theory of evolution applied to a social context.

And just as a note…‘IQ’ does not mean anything. It’s just mean that you are more apt into applying/working into a certain job that the IQ test was made for to test. In other words, it does not mean your intelligence, but it means your marketable value in that field.

High IQ does not mean high Intelligence or anything besides what I mentioned. Very fucking far from it.

So, ‘intelligence’ is very hard to get a grasp on, because some are clearly more apt at something than others. And what happens when a certain something is more in use in a age than another, and when you are not good at that something? You are labelled an idiot.

Sure, dumbasses exists, but a lot of that is due to bad education on both families and school. And other factors, but I wont get into that.

The idea that IQ tests “don’t mean anything” and that people with a high IQ are just as smart as the mentally retarded is a dumb cop-out for people who either don’t have a high IQ or want to be socially inoffensive. It’s the same line of thinking in feminists who disparage images of “beauty”. Face the facts: higher IQ is a good indicator of one’s general intelligence, perhaps even creativity.

Also, you have missed the point, my statement about death and smoking was just a side-note I added to attack the strain of virulent anti-smokingism running through this thread. I saw it in a picture in some magazine I read and felt that it was worthy enough to pass on.

Oh, it’s an /indicator/, but it’s not an end-all do-all one.

I mean, sure, there IS stupid people and there IS intelligent people. But there IS different sorts of intelligences.

And frankly, I got a 169 in an IQ test once and 94 in another. It dosent mean a fucking thing, buddy. The IQ tests only tests what the conceptor of the test wanted to test. It’s that simple.

Standard IQ tests often involve only pattern recognition and inductive reasoning. They don’t take into account creativity, linguistic skills, or musical competency, for example. This is, however, a slight positive general correlation between different types of intelligences, so the IQ test does do its job, albeit a poor one.

Also, death awaits you regardless of whether you have a habit of repeatedly hitting yourself with a gold brick wrapped around a small slice of lemon or not.

I think there is some validity to IQ tests, but that they’re not the end-all be-all of determining human ability.

Why do I think there’s some validity? Well, they’ve found three correlations involving IQ:

  1. the higher your IQ, the longer your life expectancy, and vice-versa(seriously). They think this is because the higher your IQ, the more likelihood you take good care of yourself, don’t smoke, eat better, are a better driver, etc.

  2. women have a strong tendency to marry men who score higher on IQ tests than they do(and women and men, as a whole, score equally on IQ tests, so its not a matter of women generally scoring lower, cause thats not true).

  3. the higher a man’s IQ, the higher the chance that he’s married; it works opposite for women - the higher their IQ, the less of a chance they’re married

These three things show some pretty strong evidence that IQ does matter…

But ultimately the most important thing for success is motivation and a good personality.

Yes, because smoking clearly has no effect other than shortening your life. I mean, affect your quality and length of life? Never, not in a million years.

Yes, it is true you’ll die anyway, and you may get lung-cancer but the point is that smoking greatly increases the chances of these happening while simultaneously reducing your quality of life (eg, by reducing your fitness).

And what, are you saying anti-smokingism is a bad thing? I really don’t get it.

Smoking is certainly an enjoyable pastime, as billions can testify. The positive effects of smoking are numerous. For me, along with many others, smoking is relaxing and a social/intellectual lubricant on par with alcohol, which I consider a much more dangerous habit with its potentially destructive social aspects. To argree that there is no positive aspect to smoking is bonkers. Why else would people ever start, whether or not they’ve ever become “addicted”?

I prefer quality to quantity of life, although if I ever want to quit smoking, my Life Expectancy™ will increase dramatically, according to science. Besides this, the health effects are mitigated by exercise and a healthy diet. I can justify to myself that my mostly vegetarian diet precludes me from the different cancers waiting for the burger kings. Besides, my grandpa’s smoked for 80 years and he’s OK. It’s also a kind of modern day cult ritual for me, and I think structure is an important aspect of life, which this crazy world is sorely lacking.

But actually, smoking has caused me to set the hourglass of my life. It’s a sort of impetus for me to be active and to pursue what I could other procrastinate.

The worst aspect of smoking is how the dictatorial majority has persecuted our kind and reduced us to street-rat vagabonds huddling in damp alleys to pursue our ways. Fuck all y’all.

Regardless of your stance on smoking, doing it while pregnant is undeniably stupid, careless and irresponsible. By all means, make the choice to smoke for yourself, but a mother shouldn’t force her unborn baby to do the same.

It’s a false enjoyment, no different from any other drug. And the myth is that it relaxes you: this is an illusion, it actually does the opposite to your body (though it does relax your mind, I guess :/).

And people start for a few reasons. It’s cool to smoke. Everyone else you know is doing it. Your family all did it. You tried it and you now find it’d take effort to stop and you don’t feel like doing it.

But I’m not just talking out of my ass in terms of quality of life. My brother was a pretty heavy smoker for years but he’s stopped now and you know what? He HIMSELF has said that he’s enjoying himself more. Not to mention that he can (and has) now run a marathon. Could you?

And besides, smokers smell. I mean, honestly, you guys just smell bad to me. I don’t want to hang around with you and have to breathe in your fumes

Does this dictatorial majority have a flag or symbol representing them? Because if so, I want to hang it on my wall.

I’m not a saint and I don’t plan on saving everyone: If you want to systematically erode your lungs, go and do it with my blessings. The only times in which I’ve ever tried to dissuade someone from smoking was when their continued and prolonged existence was important for me, a category that included my father, my aunt and my two closest friends.

The problem comes in when you people unintentionally yet forcibly shove your smoke down my throat. I’m talking about the assholes that smoke in the packed hallways, in the doors right before class starts, during class, the ones who smoke while walking in packs and throw the gas in the face of the people walking nearby, the ones who walk in said packs holding their cigarettes at waist level and create some stupid manner of obstacle course in which you may get your pants burned without knowing and generally all those that smoke in places in which other people forcibly have to be and cannot avoid them. I put on my favorite wool sweater two days ago and have worn it for a grand total of six hours, I’m already washing it because the smoke smell is so impregnated on it that just by having it on I’m taking in more nicotine that someone smoking a whole pack, I shit you not.

The usual question I get when I bring this up is: “So what? You are saying that smokers should be relegated to solitary out-of-the-way open spaces, be forbidden from smoking near other people even out in the street or in public spaces and generally be treated as outcasts and pariahs if seen doing so? Normally, due to the fact that the questioners are people with which I have to work on a daily basis, I cannot answer truthfully, but now thanks to the magic of internet anonymity I am finally capable of an honest answer:

YES! THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I THINK! I WANT SEPARATION! I WANT RECLUSION! I WANT FUCKING APARTHEID! If you enter a restaurant smelling like booze, you’ll get kicked out even if you don’t do anything wrong just because your smell disturbs other customers. If you enter a restaurant smelling like junk, you’ll get kicked out even if you don’t do anything wrong just because your smell disturbs other customers. So why is it socially acceptable to be a concentrated smog cloud? Why shouldn’t you be forced to search for a secluded space to smoke? We all have to go out of our ways to the bathrooms in order to pee, why shouldn’t you have to do that in order to smoke? Not enough time to do that? Unlike peeing, smoking is not a necessity, don’t do it if you don’t have the time.

In conclusion: The act of smoking is not something that I have problems with. I will not treat anyone differently if I find out they like to smoke. The issue comes when that smoke gets on my personal space.

<img src=“http://www.nmsu.edu/~safety/images/signs/symbol_no_smoke2_lg.jpg”>

Smoking is great, if you like paying a shit ton more for insurance.

Smoking allows you to hang out with the cool people outside of restuarants.

THE THING IS we have our own little cordorned off sections far away from the staid little goodie two shoes, and yet THAT ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU PEOPLE. Here, New York, followed by a number of other authoritarian states has completely banned smoking in anywhere but the sewer. You need to kick us out of the restaurant entirely. Not to mention restaurants are just about the only public buildings we can smoke anyway (in places with still a scrap of libertarian principles).

I’m not shoving it in anyone’s face, just let us keep our own little section. I read an article a few months ago that in New York they’re even trying to close restaurants and cafes started by the tobacco companies since the ban, created for the express purpose of having somewhere to smoke. No innocent non-smoker is going to wander in here, and GUESS WHAT: no one is making them! I don’t see why the proprietors of eating and other establishments can’t decide for themselves and their customers whether smoking will be allowed. I hear the same thing is happening in Spain under their Socialist government, and that’s one of the smoking world capitals.

Secondhand smoke smells good too, I don’t know what you’re complaining about.

It smells like shit, and so do you for smoking.


Edit: to make myself clear, I’m telling you to fuck off because you’re wrong.