Kinda like me banning you from these forums right now.
Is irony also one of them
The father was a 15 year old, who was also at the party.
The fact that a 15 year old kid would impregnate an 11 year old, is probably one of the worst hings I’ve ever heard. I have a little brother thats 11, I cant imagine a little girl his age pregnant. It down right scares me that someone my little brothers age is in this kind of situation.
The girl’s almost 13 and girls are having their menarche (first periods) earlier and earlier because of a variety of factors like nutrition and genetics. This isn’t that surprising. Its just problematic because she’s not mentally prepared for the responsibility and implications.
The rest of you need to lighten up and / or lose your own virginities to get over the fact people have hormones and are having sex. Biology determines when people have kids, not some random law. The point is for these people not to be fucking retarded, which many of them are anyway and thus we have this happen.
First of all, even though it may be true, please dont generalize children. I am 14 after all. I Would place all blame, and criminal charges on everyone but the father. ( foor the consception, but not he under aged drinking ) because he is not sober. Though the girl was younger, she fully understood how that part of her anatomy functioned. (At least to the extent of what knowladge she needed to know for what happened.) The abortion should be mandatory, as if it is not taken care of, there will be another hopless soul due to parental ignorance, and irresponsibility to even keep herself healthy during a rolling of the die on someones genetics.
The mom furthermore, if not able to even take care of her current family,(Im sure the dad is devorced) is not in the position to say she can take care of the child in a situation even more extreme, as to this extent. The mom is the kind of fool that shows us all what irresponsibility mixed with random, and momentary passion could cause a spawn that at 11 will get pregnant.
The child would never get proper care. I hope a government intervemtion is implimented in some way. I dont know what the do in britan concerning family situations involving pregnant teens. If nothing is done, the child will be raised by a person who does not even think she could get pregnant her first time.(Its obviously an excuse so she can dodge a bullet, instead of standing up, and taking responsibility.)
One last thing, I bet she knows just about as mmuch about parenting as her mother. In other words, only what can be learned off the back of several instruction boxes with dolls inside them that can wet themselves.
Say what you want about her. But she was a great lay, and I aint paying child support, sucka!
Her mother was ‘proud’? That amazed me more than anything. O.o
Saying that an abortion should be mandatory is a little disturbing. Perhaps if the 11-year old’s mother is found to be extremely unsuitable, putting the infant up for adoption or in a foster home or something would be preferrable. Notice how the adult mother is proud not for her daughter’s getting pregnant, but for her desire not to abort the child. Don’t be such goddam determinists about how this will undoubtably fuck up the infant’s future life. He might make for an interesting person, but probably not if he’s always made a victim of some sort.
LunarCry, your notion that this is somehow to be blamed on the state is looney. Schools there give away free condoms, yes, but her not using one was the beginning of the problem. The idea that the government should somehow step in is also regrettable, though. I really hope you don’t mean in any way other than helping put it up for adoption.
Yeah maybe she should have talked to you about getting some experienced sex advice. I seem to remember a thread a few weeks ago about pregnancy scares in KFC or some shit.
I read about this on another forum and somebody there found an article that continued the story. The father is now arrested for rape. I can’t get into that forum for the moment though, since it’s down. I’ll provide the link when I can.
And Ninten, others have already given you a proper smackdown so I’ll just throw in… please… stop abusing… the poor… ellipsis…
A couple of things XD
Hormones are certainly real enough. But MOST children do not have the mental maturity to deal with the responsibility that comes with having sex. Call me prude, or old-fashioned, if you like, sex is frankly more significant to me than something kids do randomly while drunk on a weekend or something. Children might be biologically more mature at younger ages now, but they certainly don’t have the mentality to accompany it.
Hence my use of ‘usually’ ^^ Some kids are perhaps emotionally, mentally and responsibly mature enough to have sex during their early teens. In my experience, MOST are not.
I don’t BLAME the state. But I am extremely disappointed with its continued standpoint and support of such behaviour. I know of plenty of kids with kids in my area for whom a baby is just a ticket to free housing, unearned money and avoidance of work. The government should not be actively supporting children having sex and getting pregnant. It certainly should not be the ‘fine and normal’ thing it honest to god is treated as.
This seems horrifying to us but this sort of thing is routine in most Third World countries, I would imagine. So is pedophilia.
Easy reason for that… not intending on being mean, but that’s because they’re pretty fucked at the moment… we’re the places that are not meant to be.
More like 4-5 months ago.
The problem isn’t so much that she’s young, but that she’s an idiot.
She’s been suspended from school for fighting, she doesn’t think smoking affects her baby, and she thinks she can quit smoking whenever she wants. I guess I can ignore the bit about her getting drunk because, well, what else worse could have happened in that particular incident?
In other words, she’s a stupid bitch and is now paying the price. Sadly she’s enjoying it… when she should be toiling and dying from it… nothing less.
XD I could administer that myself… quite happily.
EDIT: Yay for 500.
I would suggest seeing a therapist for the psychopathic tendencies you’ve been displaying. This sort of thing can be helped through treatment and medication.
It’s human. Stupid. But human.
There are so many things she’s going to miss out because of being pregnant. Educationally mostly. But I don’t know how the UK runs stuff so. >.>
shame, shame, shame…
If the British system is anything like it is here, I think raising a child would be at least five times as educational than attending school. And, I mean, she does have a bun in the oven, so I guess the social aspect is already taken care of.
Also, beware, for death awaits you even if you do not smoke.