*Zelda Item Fanfare*

I just went through my Convocation ceremony today (hooray for pomp and circumstance) and I just recieved my Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology.

<b>Spoony aquired 1x BA</b>:victoly:

One step done, I’ll see if I can finish the requirements for Honors in the fall, while searching for a school to do my MA. I’m already $32000 in debt, but what’s another 10 grand or two? >_>

Have a cookie!

Cool! Way to go, Spoony one!

Congradu-freakin’-lations, you spoony bard! :cool:

What do you plan to do after your MA?

Congrats Spooney. Very nice, I hope to be like you in a year and a half…maybe 2 at most. Going for your Master’s, damn you must love school. well, good luck with it.

COngrats Spoony. :smiley: What’s it about exactly?

Just out of curiosity, what do you plan to do after the masters? What sort of job are you looking for?

Probably a University Professor, just so I can put more students through the hell I went through, I’d be a REAL hard-ass.

Umm, heh heh ^^

Unless something better comes along, but I still have a way to go before that yet.