Yuffie Missed A Spot (FFVII Spoiler)

I started over Final Fantasy VII for, like, the eight time now… And something odd happened when I got to Wutai (after leaving Rocket Town).
When Yuffie stole my Materia, like always, and I checked it later on, I still had materia left:

Fire, level one
Fire, level two
Cure, level one
Enemy Skill, empty

My party was Cloud, Barret and Vincent… How odd is that? Did anybody else ever encounter that? The previous times I played, she always stole ALL my materia…

Just a random mistake, I guess.:hmm:

Maybe it’s a glitch…but it’ll give you an advantage when facing the boss at Wutai. :stuck_out_tongue:

I sure did… I had quite some trouble the first few times I faced Rapps, but I learnt to finish him off quickly by building up Limit Breaks to finish him off with…

This time, he was even easier, without the Limit Breaks…

Yarr, Aeris’ Healing Wind was always useful in that fight.

it was, though i always took the safest route: building up Cloud, Barret and Cid to a Limit Break, and, when they had one, only let them use attacking items until reaching the boss…
And when the battle begins, just holding the button to unleash all Limit Breaks at once. It was always instant death…

Aeris was good for the battle, but she always got creamed by Rapps’ Aero 3, because she was always just a BIT too low in my games…

probably because I knew she was gonna die before I first started playing…

Yuffie only steals 48-50 Materia; if you have more than that, you’ll keep it.

…I think I’m quite possibly the only person I know who saw that plot point without knowing about it beforehand. :sunglasses:

Cid. Nope. I got to that point at 9 PM on the day that FF7 came out.

I always did live in seclusion abotu plot points like that.

ive had it leave materia before in mine too

i just thought it was meant to

Materia isn’t even needed at that point in the game anyways.All you need is some hp restoring items and you’re fine. What I hate is the precious time I spend with my materia combinations and the unorderly way I receive them back after the whole event…I HATE Yuffie for that:p

Yup, me too… My materia always costs me a quite some time to work out perfectly since I’m quite fond of all the Added Effect and Counter and that sorta materia… I’m a yellow and blue lover in my materia… And this pissed me off like HELL…

The only good thing about is that you’re probably gonna screw up your materia anyway when equipping her for Godo’s Pagoda.

It has happened to me, it happened on my first/second time thorugh the game, can’t really remember which.

Although for a minute I thought no one here knew about thee beiong a limit to how much Yuffie can take.

I never noticed it before… Since I never liked to overload my characters with Materia at the beginning of the game, since it makes it to easy, I never had so much materia at the start of the game… This time, I already mastered a few, and had a reasonable list…

Even the official strategy guide didn’t mention about the limit that Yuffie takes… But hey; the strategy guide sucks anyways… They don’t even tell you how to get as much Ribbons as you like…

Well I got to that point and she took all the hightest materia and left all the weak ones… but it wasn’t so bad the lowness they were leve 2 so it was all good so with nothing better to do I got them up and my leves up as well so it helped me.