I would like to buy one of the following, So your thoughts on these games. I do like statergy and I also do like Active battles like SO3 and ToP/ToS.
Phantom Brave (PS2)
2nd hand/Bargin
Disgaea Hour of Darkness (PS2)
Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC)
(For Whiping a PSP’er on my first PSP play) Ridge Racer # (PSx/PS2) (he Told me about same track on PSP as PSx/PS2)
or Should I wait and go to pub more often :
GT4 (PS2)
(Both in the same week)
For any other game surgestions I have PS2 and GC+GBA. And in England and don’t really want to use a importer disk/chip.
Big Nutter
Take a look a my LJ or Weilla’s for things I type when drunk. (If this is in the wrong forum (Poll) Move it, not shut it)
Disgaea, Phantom Brave and Skies of Acradia are games you either love or hate. I’ve been hearing good things about all of them, but I don’t like them. Get KH:CoM
I should add that the Uk realese date (I think, unconfermed) is March 15 about the same time as the GT4 confermed date and the PSP and DS confermed dates.
I don’t want Pokémon since I am need a break away from Pokémon. (I’m doing the Shrine for GS and Also doing to the Walk through for RB) (I want Mewtwo in my party)
Big Nutter
I have spoted some maybe- Osmimia tactics (GBa) is one
I will be getting GT4 and KH:CoM when they come out. I already pre-ordering.
GT4 is a racing game. On a good day, i can shit out a racing game.</hsuandchan>
And now to totally contradict that first statement…if you’re going to play a Ridge Racer, play R4. Its an amazing game, best racer on the PSX, and its production values are so very, very high. If you want to see a game that focuses on delivery more than ANYTHING (yes even gameplay, a bit) else, get this. And make sure you get the copy that comes with a bonus disc, because you’ll get to play the original RR in 60fps, which, in my opinion, is up there with Sega Rally as the best arcade racer ever (burnout excluded). And because if you want to be good at PSP:RR, that game is pretty much just a remake of this one, with different (read: non toyota/lambo rips) car designs.
And the soundtrack to R4 amazing, someone needs to PSF it already
If the SoA game is anything like the DC games, pick them up, they’re fun. Not terrific, but fun. If they arn’t, then i dunno But i think i remember that they were remakes.
Disgaea is pretty sweet, and a good game, but meh, i didn’t get into it. Just me, i guess.
And you know you don’t need a chip for your GBC/GBA right?
Get Skies of Arcadia Legends. It’s an extremely solid traditional RPG, which is a breath of fresh air nowadays, really. Plus it’s got bonuses that the original SoA didn’t have, and it’s dirt-cheap now (the price plumetted right after I spent 55 bucks on it >_<). I wouldn’t describe it as a “love it or hate it” game in the same sense as Disgaea or Vagrant Story, since it’s not a niche game or anything. There’s just nothing outstanding about it, but it does enough things right that it ends up being really, really good.
The Nippon Ichi strategy RPGs are pretty fun, although all the levelling out gets sort of annoying if you want to do everything the game has to offer. Of course, I don’t have 100 hours to spend just leveling up, so…
Now unavailible
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Onimusha Tatics
I’m looking at possibly FFCC or Diesgiea but my sister is pestering me for a Co-op game, But may have to split with £50 for a GBa and FFCC which is more that I can afford since I’m trying to get a deposit for GT4 (I must get it). Has Any one played Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance? I hear it’s got a Co-op mode and I do have a Choice of console so which is better?
Unless you’re an insane KH fan and quite a bit of a masochist, stay far away from KH:CoM. It’s been a while since I played a game as punishing with as few rewards. Just go replay KH on PS2 again and wait for the sequel.
I may buy it later since My TV may be occupied with GT4 (My bro has a lot of the Best lap times on GT2+3) and I can’t stick my Cube any other TV at home. So I want a Console game now (PS2/NGC) and a GBA Game later one that Will keep me going for some time and Not Pokémon since I want to play it when I’m not getting mega overdosed.
Big Nutter
How is the GBA Mario Golf is simalar to the cube Ver. I may get both.