New game, peeps!
Pretty much, ya list some signs that qualify ya as an RPG-obsessed person.
You know you play RPGs too much when…
…You start humming the “Prehistoric Dance Music” from Chrono Trigger in Ancient History Class.
New game, peeps!
Pretty much, ya list some signs that qualify ya as an RPG-obsessed person.
You know you play RPGs too much when…
…You start humming the “Prehistoric Dance Music” from Chrono Trigger in Ancient History Class.
(Humming songs ain’t nothing.)
…When you started using RPG monsters in school compositions.
How about no, you crazy dutch bastard.
>.> I always wanted to say that
Yeah so like, no.
…When you try to figure out how many hitpoints your little brother has.
…When the waltz for your quincenera comes from Final Fantasy.
When your doing Archery in gym class, and when you get a bull’s eye, you spin your bow and hum the Final Fantasy victory song.
When you sleep for eight seconds and expect tpo be fully refreshed.
When you refer to attempting something as “making a check”
When you try to sell a weapon to the clerk in the drugstore.
You go to a funeral and try to bring the deceased back to life by throwing bird feathers on him, claiming it is “phoenix down.”
Whenever things are tense and the boss theme from Chrono Cross starts looping in your head.
You expect medicine will cure your diseases in no time.
When you think coloured marbles will allow you to summon creatures to do you bidding.
…when you try to earn money by killing straycats… erm I mean monsters.
…when you think you could commit any crime as long as you don’t save your file after it. Just press reset and nothing ever happened…:runaway:
…when you just walk into houses of people you’ve never seen before and search their wardrobes for items.
When you memorize the Latin from the Sephiroth song and make your own translation of it because you are certain none of the official translations got it right.
Also, when you have the entire soundtrack of each RPG you own in psf format because “Official Soundtracks just aren’t the same”
This could go on and on…
Originally posted by Kairi
…When the waltz for your quincenera comes from Final Fantasy.
Do you mean"quinceañera" Kairi? That’s the Latino version of Sweet 16. You latino, Kai?
Anyway: “…when you play Dragon Warrior 7 for four straight days and end up having seizures.”
Yes, that actually happened to me once.
Of course, it turned out that I’m epileptic, so I would probably have had the seizures anyway. :mwahaha:
… when you refer to the fights you get into as “random encounters.”
When you can’t carry more than 99 items of one kind, but you can carry items of more than 500 different kinds, regardless of their weight or shape and manage to fit them all into a tiny backpack without getting slowed down.
When your hair can be burnt, frozen, electrified, hit oh so many times, be pushed against something and still manage to defy gravity and not move an inch.
When your’ walking the halls in school, and expect your’ vision to get all blurry, and when it returns, there are monsters in front of you.