In Japan in June. I say it should be here by christmas.
That sounds good, makes me wonder which will happen first, XS2 or SO3? Got a link for this info or did it just come from your local game store?
…I can’t believe SO3 has taken so bloody long to get here. >_<
/me needs some other game to tide him over until June. Darnit.
Oh well, maybe that’ll give me enough time to get around to finishing with SO before 3 gets here. XS2 should help hold me over if I have to wait another year on SO3. I guess that they must have strapped an sdd1 to the disk just to piss people over here off or something.
Hmmm…Xenosaga didn’t really get me. Partly because there were so many and so long cutscenes. I like cutscenes as much as the next guy (heck, I like MGS2), but it was bit too much for me. I might give it another look eventually though.
Xenosaga rockz!!! i couldn’t stand the long cutscenes at first, but then i got use to 'em as the game progresses on. i wanna see if shion would turn into a gnosis in XS2… since she came into contact with one in XS1.
I am really excited about Xenosaga 2,i can hardly wait.And how much do we have to wait till SO3?
I LOVED Xenosaga and can’t wait for the sequel; however, I must say I’m not happy with this whole new “we’ll continue the story in the sequel” trend I’ve seen in some games of late. That’s why I haven’t gotten into .Hack yet, for example. But XS really seems worth the wait.
Speaking of oncoming games, anybody knows the release dates for the Wild Arms Alter games?
I LOVED Xenosaga and can’t wait for the sequel; however, I must say I’m not happy with this whole new “we’ll continue the story in the sequel” trend I’ve seen in some games of late. That’s why I haven’t gotten into .Hack yet, for example. But XS really seems worth the wait.
At least be glad that is like a year+ between each game and not 3 months.
The problem with .hack, from what I’ve heard, is just that all of the four games together makes up about the same amount of playtime as one regular game. So you’re basically paying four times as much for a game. That’s why I haven’t gotten into it. 8p
the .hack games are about 30 hours (if you go item hunting) each however I haven’t played Outbreak or Quarentine. That and you should know that the game play is the exact same among the whole series, which can be a bit tedious.
And in Europe in two decades, if at all. Which I don’t mind, since it would give me plenty of time to get my hands on a PS2.
I’m very excited about this game. I don’t mind having stories continuing through the course of a few games as long as the quality begins and remains high. I also really liked the cutscenes, and the option to skip them was nice too - I hope that’s kept in this game.
Also… what’s up with Shion and no glasses? They just had to go and get rid of them.
Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
[b]I LOVED Xenosaga and can’t wait for the sequel; however, I must say I’m not happy with this whole new “we’ll continue the story in the sequel” trend I’ve seen in some games of late. That’s why I haven’t gotten into .Hack yet, for example. But XS really seems worth the wait.Speaking of oncoming games, anybody knows the release dates for the Wild Arms Alter games? [/b]
Soon we’ll have a release date, Wilfredo. I hope so. It’s out in Japan.
However, WA3 was out in Japan for a while before the release date for North America was confirmed. So we’ll just have to wait. I’ll say about September, and I don’t care what I have to do to get the game the day it comes out; I’m getting it and locking myself in my room until I finish it. 8P
Dalton: I meant in Japan, sorry! I KNOW that American Release dates are unpredictable. But, it’s nice to know the game DID come out!! Know of any websites that describes the differences to the original? Well, you probably won’t be able to read it, but just look at the pictures, and you’ll see it plays very much like Wild Arms 3. I do know that both FP and MP are used now (that’s going to be odd), that there are 25 EX File Keys to seek out, some more Millenium Puzzles, more Gardening to do, and a story about 4 elemental girls; Flam, Muse, Wing and Geo.
Thanks, Dalt. I’m sure English sites will pop up soon now that the game was released in Japan.
I can’t wait for Xenosaga 2 to come out. I keep hearing rumors that Xenogears and Xenosaga have nothing to do with one another and I have heard that they do. I’ve also heard there’s going to be 6 (?) in total so I’m eager to see how it pans out. The new character designs look nice too.
I can’t wait for Xenosaga 2, because I want to see what will happen to my favorite character. No, it’s not Shion, Junior, KOS-MOS, or even Albedo. I’m talking about Ziggy.
Yes, Ziggy, he’s my favorite character.:ah-ha!:
He should get more attention nodnod Some newly released screenshots of Episode 2 show some interesting scenes with him. Very interesting.
Hmm… XenoSaga2? The main enemies in XenoSaga1 are called gnosis?
That reminds me of a little diddy I heard from a seminarian…
tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious
Superchristological and homouisiosis, even though the sound of them is something quite atrocious. If you understand them you’ll anathemize your gnosis. Superchristological and homouisiosis!