
Not really anime, but I figures this would be the most appropriate place for this. Does anyon know where I could get the original X-men series (the cartoon), either on DVD, or through an alternate method of distribution? Any help is appreciated.

No, it’s not anime and the Main forum is the perfect place for this.

There are some DVDs out. Look on Amazon or Overstock or something. They never released season boxes if that’s what you’re thinking of.

Nah, he’s right, the anime forum is the most appropriate place for this, non-Japanese media is welcome here. So it’s cool, and anyway you’re not a mod, so you don’t have to point out whether or not another user has posted in the correct forum, it’s our call.

I say X-men stays because I RULE HERE. >:(

Have you tried Best Buy?

Pierson, can I be your fanboy?

Well, I found it on Amazon, but it was ridiculously expensive. Then, I did a little searching, and found it through “alternate distribution”. Thanks for the help guys. And thanks for supporting me Epico (apparently it’s Rinn now?) and Pierson.