Ok, last night was weird. Allow me to share my story with you all. It is a story of alcohol, abuse, screaming and yelling, absolute insanity, and just general good times.
I was at my friend Erica’s house. We were just chillin around, not really doing anything. Our friends, Molly and Sims has called and said they wanted to hang out and party a bit. So they came, picked us up, and then we went to Sims’s house and hung out for a bit. Molly said she wanted to get drunk, and sucking some happy juice sounded great, so we all agreed. Sims “borrowed” a case of Miller Light (beer sucks) from his parents and we drove off and had a few drinks. Sims’s ended up having about 5 total, and the rest of us a slim 2, so I started to drive us to Mollys house since we didn’t trust Sims’s driving after he almost ran over some people crossing the street. During the driver change, Sims’s father called and asked about the beer. During the conversation, which Sims’s was trying to convince his father that he didn’t take the beer, he accidentally (or perhaps it was pourpesly? I don’t know.) indicated that perhaps our good friends Josh or Nathan had taken them, since they had been in the house without Sims for close to an hour.
They hang up, and I start to drive us to Mollys house. During the drive however, Sims’s parents called again. He gave the phone to Molly to say that Sims was in the bathroom, and that we were at Molly’s house already. So we get there, Sims’s calls his parents again, more argueing ensues, we take some 3 or so shots of vodka and drink some strawberry sunset rises while waiting for Sims’s to sober up.
Well, we get bored. Myself and Molly had been breaking into houses around her neighborhood for quite sometime and stealing keys to the houses so that we could go into them later and smoke them up, drink them up, spray paint over the walls…just have some good fun at the expense of someone elses coin. The house had been worked on recently, so a number of our taggings and such had been painted over and cut out of the wall. So we had to climb in through a window since the locks had now been changed. Anyway, we examine the house, and I notice that theres a security system panel on the wall. I take a look, and see that the indicater light under the words “Trouble” was on, and I quickly get everybody out of the house and up the driveway. Then we start heading towards a local, private pool to go skinny dipping and to trash. We get there, we toss lawn chairs, potted plants, garbage cans, whatever we can find, into the pool, then we strip down and hop in and hang out and stuff. After about half an hour, we head back, dry off, change clothes/whatever, grab a bottle of red wine and hop back into Sims’s car to go meet some friends, namely Josh and Nathan.
When we get there, we hear about somebody talking shit behind Sims’s back. Basically, he had been ragging on Sims, saying bad things about him. Well, in our drunken stupor, this just was flat uncool. We decided to go to this fucker and teach him some fucking manners eh? Josh starts to drive Sims’s car. Sims’s asks Josh if he knows where we’re going, and he says no, but he’s following Nathan. (We didn’t notice, but Nathan was actually behind us.) We end up pulling into Sims’s driveway with Nathan blocking the car behind us with his. Sims, Josh, Nathan, and his girlfriend Merrin all get out of the cars and proceed to start screaming at eachother. We think it’s about the beer, but its starting to get kinda finnicky, so we just sit still, drink a little bit more and realize the stolen beer was still in the car.
Sims’s gets back in the car and pulls up into the driveway, where we can see his father standing in the window. Not knowing what to do, we start shoving the remaning 4 beers into my pockets, and crumpling the box into Molly and Erica’s purses. Nothing was really fitting, and had we gotten out of the car we still had to somehow hide the half empty wine bottle. I took off my shirt (I had an undershirt) and wrapped up the wine bottle, and we waited.
What we thought was going on: Sims, Nathan, Josh, Merrin were all on Sims’s front step. We thought Nathan, Josh and Merrin were mad at Sims for incriminating them for stealing the beer. We figured that Sims’s dad had called them and asked them about it.
Now, infront of Sims’s front door, there are two statues of dobermans. About a year ago, Sims got mad and kicked over one of them, knocking the head off and breaking it into a few big peices. It had just recently been fixed. When Sims father came outside, he and Sims started to fight verbally. Sims father said something and Sims kicked over the still whole dog, shattering it to small-medium sized peices - far beyond fixing. Sim’s father snaps, and Sims and his dad get into a fist fight. Sims and his father go inside afterwards, and Nathan, Josh, and Merrin come to Sims car, where myself, Molly and Erica are still huddling together, completly oblivious to the situation, and still frantically trying to figure out what to do with the stolen beer.
What it turns out was going on: Sims had slowly been pulling money out of a company account. Sims’s father owned a company, which employed both Sims and Josh. It turns out that Sims’s had withdrawn around $10,000 from the company account, to use to buy assorted things - Computers, drugs, computer games, music, movies, etc… Sims’s father probably cared very little about the beer, but was rather more concerned about the embezzlement. Josh lost his job, and Sims is more than likely going to be shipped to a boarding/military school for the remainder of his school career.
Nathan gave us a ride to Molly’s house, where we all proceeded to straighten eachother out on what had been going on that night, drink more liquor to fuck us up quicker, and around 1 am I went home and fell into my bed in a drunken haze.
Please, don’t give me any of that “Well you shouldn’t have been drinking” bullshit, I don’t want to hear it.
one of the more interesting aspects of the evening, was after we got to Molly’s house after all the shit happend at Sims’s house, we were listening to a local radio station (99x for those interested), and she had said it had been a crazy night. Well, her night obviously wasn’t as crazy as ours, I happen to have this radio station in my cell phone directory, so I called the station up and actually got through (on my first try too). Told her my story, leaving out a lot about the stolen beer and such,
An interesting night to say the least.