Wow. Banned because Bush has chicken legs?

Up next, a pro-Bush supporter asking for freedom fries, and then calling the CIA when the register jockey doesn’t know what that is!

The freedom to say our president has chicken legs, or our president is a blithering imbecile, or our president’s face vaguely resembles that of a monkey, or our president’s grammar sucks, or whatever…

hee hee hee, got carried away.

ANYWAY, the point is that having the freedom to say such things about The President WITHOUT having to face punitive reprisals (ranging from something as innocuous as being banned from a chain bookstore to something as serious as being incarcerated until you “learn your lesson” or a policeman/soldier gets bored and decides to shoot you, whichever comes first) is SUPPOSED TO BE one of the things that’s so damn cool about living here.

That’s like, you know, the freedom we’re supposedly defending, n’ stuff. Among other things, the freedom to be irreverent of the people in charge [that, ostensibely, WE THE PEOPLE put there] instead of having to fearfully stumble all over ourselves trying to salute and worship our fearless leader more than the other guy like in that Charlie Chaplin “The Great Dictator” film.

You looking at his legs? I remember some time ago some ppl said his head looked like the head of a monkey (and I think that’s true, at least for the internal parts).

Meh, part of his campaign was doing the whole “Clinton Jogging” thing that he tried to pull in the later parts of his presidency. Gore did it as well, and they tried to push it off as them being regular old people who try to stay in shape like the rest of the regular old people.

Now, I’m a pro Bush guy, but his head does kinda look like a monkey.

Being anti-bush and anti-America, oh jeez there is a long list. I say, I don’t really give a damn. Who the hell cares if someone seys Bush has chicken legs, what the hell? Have you heard the latest NOFX CD?

Lol, that has to be the most pointless banning and article ever…

And SweetCookiePie you don’t have to apologize to anyone.

Originally posted by Exo
Have you heard the latest NOFX CD?

No. Mainly because their lead singer’s voice sounds much like the scream of terror of a pig being anally raped by a rusty fork.

Well… technically, the bookstore has the freedom to ask whoever they want to speak at their place of business. Telling this woman not to come speak there anymore is not a violation of anyone’s constitutional rights. Though it was pretty anal of them… they probably did it because they didn’t want to lose any business because of it. (Of course, the audience apparently liked the comments, leaving us to wonder about the intellectual power of the Borders management. :P)

This is Bush to me

That is precsely the reason I shop at Barnes and Noble.

gets shot:thud:

2DTV is one of the funniest programs I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching.

Exo, I believe she was apologizing for taking my post the wrong way.

And Kero, yeah. They do, it’s up to them. But it is anal and stinks of ultranationalism. Nationalism isn’t bad, just too much of it.