…I get to make Eva’s happy birthday thread. Yay for time-zones!
Happy birthday Eva. May your day be long and blurry.
Hahaha thank you, thank you. I get to work 7 hours on my birthday, go me! So I celebrated today with caramel cake and jewellry. bows THis also marks two years for me here, as I joined a day before my 16th birthday.
18, eh?
Wow another person born during the coolest month!!
Happy Brithday From another EU member
Big Nutter
It is Your birthday here, too!
Happy day that gets you closer to your death!
Happy birthday lady!
Happy birthday Eva. ^^
'eya Ms. [STRIKE]Legal[/STRIKE] Sexy.
Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday.
And though I was born in April, I have to agree February is the coolest month in which to have kids. My brother has a son that was born on February the 29th. He won’t have to buy the kid a car until his 64th birthday. =P
Happy B-day Eva!
You are 18? That’s cool. Now you can vote and buy alcohol legally. So throw away your fake ID, you can get into any club now with your real one.
Happy birthday! (Isn’t it tomorrow? :P)
Haha yes it is…I’m three hours early by my clock, but not by an Irish’s clock
Thanks everyone. It makes me feel special since I don’t celebrate =D
Happy birthday.
Rad, you’re legal…even though that never stopped me before. Anyways, happy birthday. For my gift, I’ll allow you to loan me some money! Rockin’ Or you can put a chicken sandwich in my backpack.
Happy B-day, Eva! glomp
You better ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk?
You better ask yourself, “do I feel lucky?” Well do you, punk?
Get it right.
Happy birthday Eva! :3