Won't be posting much anymore. Read if interested.

Dont let a simple diagnosis get onto you like that. I’ve read articles on how Einstein and Newton may have had Aspergers, which were written well after they did their things. Its not something necessarily bad, but can be if you view it at a certain angle, like the one you are viewing it from right now. The angle I was viewing it from when I was your age. Do I want to go back and do that time period over, and do ‘better’? Yes. Am I sitting around moping about it? No.

The operative phrase for all of this is… get over it! Not meant in the ‘hey you just did something bad to me!’ ‘get over it!’ sense. People using it like that have degraded the phrase in that manner. I mean ‘get over it’ in the sense that sitting around moping about things is going to accomplish nothing. I had a focus of my own at your age, being an asperger person myself, and I feel that I am better off today because, frankly, I’ve learned to focus less, and change said focus.

As much as I think clinical psychology is fucking bullshit, seeing a shrink might be a good thing right now for reasons described by Hades.

I disagree with Sorc on the parent thing. Setz’ parents may or may not be complete fuckheads and I’ve known all too many people with utterly fucked up parents.

*Clap, clap.

It’s an impariment, yes, but not an excuse to be a dumb fucktard with little to no touch with reality. You need to stop watching high school soaps and go see and professional or at least someone you know and get all these issues resolved, not post about them on a bloody messageboard that’s supposed to be about videogames. We’re gamers and only barely adults, not psychiatrists.

Dude, everyone gets dumped. Everyone feels like shit afterwards. Did you think that was unique to you? Deal with it like everyone else does.

Didn’t we agree to close these stupid threads?

The thread is locked and I don’t caaaaare, tossing my five nickels anyway, because I can.

So far it’s par for the course.

But, for the time being, I’m not able to cope with this. It’s kind of difficult to move on, because she was a big part of my life, and now that she is gone, I believe I don’t have a future.

I don’t think I have a future, because first and foremost, I don’t really have anyone to love, or to love me. I’m the kind of person who believes that parents and sibling cannot love each other, but love can only be expressed between a man and a woman. And I only have a handful of friends. I think I have about 5 or 6 friends in total. 1 of them is an internet friend.

If your life was entirely centered about orbiting around this chick like a moon around a planet, your life was hollow and doomed from the start. Relationships are about moving together, not one person moves forward and the other just kind of hovers like a familiar. You do not need ‘love’ to have a future, you can make your own damn future yourself. Being dependent on others to make your life ain’t gonna get you too far.

I’m doing terrible in school. Last semester, I came into math with the highest in my grade for my school, with a 98% overall for Grade 10 mathematics. Since my Functions and Relations teacher for Grade 11 wasn’t english, she didn’t really do her job that well. She’d pretty much just tell us to do so and so problems on so and so page, and just do the work. No explanations or anything. I passed with the lowest in the class with a 55. Now that I am back with a fluent english math teacher for Grade 12 calculus, I’m still maintaining such a low mark due to my poor education in Functions and Relations. I currently hold a 42% overall in calculus.

Welcome to college level teaching, hell, welcome to LIFE. People will not hold your hand and ask ‘are you okay?’ all your life. You don’t understand? You need help? You need to get up and ask, go GET the help, GET the explanations you need to understand the subject, passively waiting for them to be handed to you won’t work. You got catching up to do, and it won’t happen magically.

I have a disability called Asberger’s syndrome. From my knowledge, it’s kind of a mix between ADD and OCD, in the sense where I have an obsession over an object/person, and I seclude myself to that object/person. I don’t know if this is affecting my state of mind over this whole break-up thing or not. I don’t know much about it, other than I have it.

I don’t know what is going on with my life, and I guess I need some answers. I realize this is not a good place to post this kind of stuff, due to past experiences, but I don’t really have anyone else to talk to. Posting it here means I get an unbiased anonymous answer/opinion, whereas if I talk to a doctor, it’s neither anonymous, or unbiased. Parents too.

Please help me.

Your Asberger thing may or may not affect, I’ll defer to Sinistral on that one. You won’t find nice sympathy and patting on the back and ‘I’ll be ok’ from a Forum, unbiased anonymity ain’t gonna happen, we’re all biased from our experiences and lives lived so far. A doctor will give you a professional opinion, and parents will do their best to look out for you, they can be of far greater help than people here really could be.

And that’s my 25 cents.


1-Women are almost all bitches because most people are drones
2-As people have said before, your chick was not the sharpest tool in the shed. A lot of people that get into relationships get into these situations and stay in them without liking the person for who they are or realizing the truth. You are an example of someone who saw what they wanted to see and reacted to that thinking they loved the other person when they only loved what it was that they perceived. People in this forum also tend to have a certain personality type where they require affection and react very strongly to the slightest hint of affection, in part if only because of affection deficit.
3-Being dependent is being weak. To be weak is to set oneself up for failure. At all times one must stand on their own 2 feet and trust no one.

“God helps people who help themselves”.

I’ll add more to this later , gotta pay attention to class.

So yeah. Shrinks. The thing with clinical psychology is that everything is based on what is “normal”. Everything in medicine is based on what is normal. The study of how to treat people is how to make them maintain a pre-established norm. There are problems with this because of how subjective this is. Fortunately, biology is really simple in comparison to how mental processes work. It is easy to observe, analyze, define and correct. Clinical psychology is approached in the same manner but this is not good. The problem with that how do you define normal behavior? This is why I hate psychology. The thing is, you can define extremes of what something bad is and I believe it is important for shrinks to help these people. The problem is that everyone sees psychology like they see medicine, they go see shrinks like people flood the ER with their colds. Similarly, they ask for medicine for their slight ills and explanations and definitions. Then people look at this like a disease which should be treated because it is abnormal. Furthermore, the incompetence of shrinks and the vagueness of the definitions and their applications and the amount of overlap these problems cause and how these problems interact with other problems and generate other problems makes it so that trying to figure out if someone has a specific disorder is a pain. Often people are treated for problems they don’t have or the way they’re treated for the problems they do have don’t solve their problems and so you’re just treating the symptoms and giving people drugs while taking their money.

Some people with Asperger’s have severe fucking problems. It is a form of autism. Because of the nature of the internet, this forum and the topic of the site, we have attracted people with varying degrees of Asperger’s and it is only too obvious, having known so many people for years. However, being different or even being disabled is not an excuse and you are responsible for your actions. A predisposition to behave a certain way does not excuse you from behaving a certain way. You are not your disease, you are a person with greater complexity than this one state. People that use their state as an excuse are weak and being weak are responsible for their own suffering. Finally it isn’t because person A has asperger’s that its as bad as person B’s. For some people its really bad. For other people it isn’t. To act like any psychological disorder is the same for everyone is not useful and shows a lack of understanding how these processes work. This makes the use of the excuse all more significant because you can have a mild form of whatever and then your life goes to shit and you scream “OH MY GOD ITS NOT ME ITS ____” and its complete fucking bullshit.