Which h*r character are YOU?

Can’t believe no one’s found this top quiz yet (at least, I haven’t seen it here) :slight_smile:

<img src=“http://images.quizilla.com/W/waechow/1035143602_gbadresult.BMP” border=“0” alt=“Strong Bad”><br>You’re Strong Bad!! You’re by far the funniest<br>character and the meanest. You cannot stand<br>Homestar and play lots of tricks on him. You<br>like to cheat and steal. You’re a pretty<br>hilarious guy.
<br><br><a href=“http://quizilla.com/users/waechow/quizzes/-Which%20Homestar%20Runner%20character%20are%20you%3F-/”> <font size="-1">-Which Homestar Runner character are you?-</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href=“http://quizilla.com”>Quizilla</a></font>

With the top result too :o :o

No can take test, link broken.

No one found it becasue it’s one of those crappy ass quizilla quizzes.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Yeah, there are like, 5 good tests on all of quizilla. The rest are all sucky excuses for tests made by horny 12 year olds.

Well, yes, that is true (one of my online friends is a quizilla nut- I swear, some of them were made up just for the sake of making one up) but it was the only (read that: first within 3 minutes) h*r one I could find.:hmm:

On a completly unrealted note, I thought you were censoring something that started with an H and ended in R. I spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell should be censored that starts with an H and ends with an R…

Originally posted by Sorcerer
On a completly unrealted note, I thought you were censoring something that started with an H and ended in R. I spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell should be censored that starts with an H and ends with an R…

Well at least I wasn’t the only one that was fooled.:fungah:

I was thinking about that for a minute, but then I thought, “Since when has Neb ever bothered with censoring?”

i got…

nothing! (damn quizilla)

I see people censor themselves on these boards all the time, and I wonder why. It doesnt make sense, either use the word or don’t, censoring yourself is lame as shit.

Some people just like to use the words without the possible coniquences from the mods of the board.

Other than I agree with you that is it a waste of typing

On a side note, I didn’t think it was censoring but only because I saw the topic name.

I think the sad part is that I actually took that as Homestar Runner…

Originally posted by Epicgamer
I think the sad part is that I actually took that as Homestar Runner…

same here…::doh::

Originally posted by Frameskip
Well at least I wasn’t the only one that was fooled.:fungah:

Nope you most certainly weren’t the only one fooled Frame ::doh::

Sorc: I don’t think its censored its Home *(star) runner, if thats what you meant.

there :stuck_out_tongue:

It already worked for me… Strong Bad.

I’ve taken this test once on the Homestarrunner.net It’s Dot Com forums, I ended up as Strong Bad.