Which ff has the best/worst storyline?

you really shoud specify your posts on your thread starting message more , anyway i think FF7 has the best story line(obviously) and i agree with cloudclone by saying that FF9 is a good game to play but the storyline is no good

my picks…

best: ff6

extremely close second: ff7

worst: ff2

In my opinion, FF7 and 8 have very good story lines. However, I have to say that Square could have done better with FFX

I worked out the FFX storyline before it happened and I was right.

I dunno which to say was best, FFVIII was good, but I didn’t really enjoy it as much as the others.

I think FIX has the best Stoy IMO, I think X and Tactics have THE WORST FF stories.

Best: Final Fantasy VI.

Worst: Final Fantasy III(j).

FF8 is probably my least fav, with the storylines of 4, 7 and 9 all being some of my favs. 7 is probably my favourite in that department though.

Well, its kind of hard to say, because pretty much the plot of each game is to save the world… but I really liker the story of FFT. no, I love it. I would love to see in a book or movie form.

Fat chance condensing a 40 hour RPG into a 2 hour movie.

And a book would be too short, since you would be skipping 90% of the battles.

I love FFIV’s story for it’s mystical-ness (fine, that’s probably not a word. Happy now?). The world has a mystery to it that the later FFs didn’t. Cecil’s redemption is just something classic to me, as are Kain’s struggles.

FFVI also had a wonderful story. It wasn’t complex, but it was nice and long and had a bunch of side-parts.

FFVII’s story was complicated and interesting, to me. It didn’t have the same allure as FFIV’s, but maybe that’s because it was a different kind of creature.

FFVIII and FFIX had way too many things pulled out of someone’s butt for me to like their stories. The games were good, but the stories…ugh…

RPT, the word is mysticism. And my favorite was FFIV, just because I didn’t feel that ever-present sense of doom near the end, I could take my damn sweet time if I felt like it.

FF6 had the greatest storyline! not only did you have a half-esper who lost her memory for half of the WoB story, you also have THE MOST GENOCIDAL diciator in the FF series, Kefka!

Honorable Mentions: FFT (Close Second…) FF9 (2nd Time the 2 worlds came in contact) FF5 (1ST time the 2 worlds came in contact) and FF7(Aeris murdered was just so sad!:()

Well, what about FFIV? Doesn’t the whole Lunarian Moon thingy count at all?

And Aura, i just want to say, I don’t recall Sabin ever saying that line.

Well, what about FFIV? Doesn’t the whole Lunarian Moon thingy count at all?

And Aura, i just want to say, I don’t recall Sabin ever saying that line.

FF4 was good, i’ll give you that, I loved it. but there was Tellah dying and all the other tragadies like the airship bombing and the Village of Mist being destroyed on no fault of Cecil’s.

And Sabin did say it in Thamasa, when the entire team met for the first time and Relm called him a body builder and the line was spoken, I know my FF6 :slight_smile:

FF7 has the best story, the best script so to say…
FF6 is a good second, though a bit too predictable from time to time… And not enough story between the characters. They were all loners, or so it seemed.
FF8 was very lousy in story: After beating a sorceress, let’s beat the next! And another one! Oh, oh… And what a coincidence! We were all raised together as youngsters, but we can’t remember! Bad story, bad…
FF9 was okay, though a bit too kiddy, and the motives of all characters were a tad childish too…
FF5 had, in my opinion, close to NO story. Sure, there was a story, but it was so terribly straight…
FF4 was good, though, like FF9, a bit childish.

Well, that’s all my opinion, I guess… As an overall, I enjoyed playing them all.

FF6 or FF7 has the best story line by far, the FF10 story SUCKED though.

Why is this thread continuosly necro-posted? And what was wrong with FFX? I liked it.

i thought that FF6 had the best storyline…

Originally posted by The Wizardmaster
Why is this thread continuosly necro-posted? And what was wrong with FFX? I liked it.

it was just too basic. the other storylines were much more complex.

:hmm:FF6 had the best storyline, but I reckon FF7’s was damn close.