Where Have You

Where have you wanted to visit all of your life? For me it would be Germany and Ireland. I’d love to go and see where my family is from. I’m also into history, and those places are full of history. I wouldn’t mind going to Tahiti either.

Sicily, just because I’m sick of hearing every person in my family over 70 telling me how beautiful it is. Besides, I’d like to see where are my roots too.

Australia! It’s fun of the most poisonous things in the world. And other intersting stuff.

nothing in particular but I wouldn’t mind making a little roadtrip starting from the Netherlands (where I live) and ending up somewhere in Asia… Or make a tour through South America… What I really don’t care about is the US. It’s got no history at all. It doesn’t make me want to go there that badly that I’ll actually do it.

Should this not go to the Polling Forum?

I want to visit Great Britain (all of it), very badly. Fortunately, I have saved up some funds for a European holiday which I hope to take next summer. I would love to see the rest of Europe as well: there is almost nowhere in Europe whither I would not like to go, but I guess that I would especially like to visit the places in Germany whence my ancestors came. Other places high on my list include Paris, Florence, Rome, Geneva, and Prague.

Outside of Europe, I would really like to visit Istanbul in Turkey and India in general. Japan is not as awesome to me as it may be to some, but I should not mind a visit, especially to see the castles. If it were safer, I would love to be in Rio de Janeiro for Carnival. Lastly, I would like to visit Antarctica, mostly because it seems so mysterious, even though there is not very much there.

That is not true at all. America has plenty of real history and some of it is very rich, though the history of the current civilisation in America is only a few centuries old. There is also some history of the Native American peoples, such as the old villages carved out of cliffs of the Pueblo people in Arizona; those date from the Middle Ages. Montezuma Castle, the main site which I have visited, dates from around 1250, for instance. Lastly, there is plenty geological and natural history, and most of that, of course, dates from before our species.


Africa, and then California.

One thing about America is they’ll lecture all about other people’s cultures and talk about Africa for a half a month and make us say the NAACP anthem in Febuary and then call it a day. If it was up to me, I’d change that, but I’d just like to see a bit of my history, it would indeed be a very enlightening experience…and I was born in California, lived in Death Valley, just can’t remember it, so it would be nice to see that ol’ trailer park before I die.

Japoness. I’d like to go to Japoness.

Oh, wait, you mean countries on Earth, right? Then, Japan. I’d like to see the country that brought us anime, and good video games.


I would like to get inside pyramids in Egypt.


First of all, America - really amazing country.
Actually I’m planning a trip from east to west coast, in two years, but since I finally figured out where my only known American relative lived, San Angelo Texas, I wanna visit that city too.
Apart from the United States, New Zealand would be interesting too. Maybe gonna visit that too far in the future.

Probably to Japan so I could find my aunt and see if my grandma is still alive.

EDIT: Sorry, if you read what I had before, I misreaded the question.

I want to go to these places:


I just returned from Turkey 2 days ago… and trust me, it’s great. Even though they hardly speak any understandable language it’s still great to go. Very beautifull.

Sorry, forgot about that. You’ve got a point there.

I’d like to go to Paris and Hawaii.

I would love to visit Prague, some cities in Japan, or much of Europe.

Iceland, just because of the diversity of the landscape there. China, Mongolia and I’d also love to take a little trip around the Pacific Isles.

Japan >_>
