When the stars themselves tell you to get bent.


Sometimes the shapes that the universe can take are simply amusing

It’s a message from God! We’re doomed, DOOMED I SAY! IT’S WHAT I DO, I’M A DOOMSAYER!

That’s quite funny. Perhaps it’s a warning:eek:

Cosmic “screw you” messages.

In the words of Keanu Reeves “Woah.”

ROFLMAO!!! Wow such a “clear” message from god. I hope we all live to tomorrow… what the… ARGH!!! NOOOOOOO IT"S THE CLOUD OF GOD!!!

“it could be perceived as a superhero flying through a cloud, arm up, with a saved person in tow below”

And they seem totally clueless :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha, it’s a message from outer space!

…Outer space is rude. :stuck_out_tongue:

Heh, I saw that earlier today. It’s pretty funny

And finally, we’re presented with undeniable proof: We’re fucked.

Originally posted by Nulani
And finally, we’re presented with undeniable proof: We’re fucked.

If you didn’t know that already, then you’ve been putting WAAAY too much faith in humanity.

The heavens are telling us what we all already know. :o

Originally posted by GG Crono 4

If you didn’t know that already, then you’ve been putting WAAAY too much faith in humanity.

The heavens are telling us what we all already know. :o [/b]

I said we were presented with undeniable proof that we’re fucked, not that I saw the light and realised we are.

And with all the people out there who are living in their happy little fantasy world, where mankind is destined to rule the world, the universe, and have an unquestionable right to kill other beings and destroy worlds to satisfy their own needs. Oh. And are of the impression that nothing, absolutely nothing, is wrong and that there is no way we are on our way to damnation, destruction, and ulimately, armageddon.

You’re just a little ray of sunshine, aren’t you? :slight_smile:

happiness blooms in this place… we are all screwed one way or another

Originally posted by GG Crono 4

You’re just a little ray of sunshine, aren’t you? :slight_smile: [/b]

Like always. It’s my trademark.

ok, thats just classic, I have a new backdrop :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, that’s a sign alright…

We’re screwed. We’re so screwed.

Nulani is a cool trademark :smiley:

And I have to agree, the univerce is obviously saying, “Screw off humans, we’re trying to get it ON”

or something.


Eden what the hell is that blue thing in your avatar supposed to be? Make it stop staring at me.

That’s a message from xenophobic aliens saying “stay out of my solar system scum!”

Now that is just AWESOME. Although, if I just adjusted my mindset a little bit, I <i>could</i> see the superhero thing. Of course, it was much easier to see the flipped bird, but you get the idea.