
I think some of y’alls’ goal should be to take some chill pills. :stuck_out_tongue: Don’t break out into any crazy arguments please.

Hmm, some goals, and hopes and dreams eh? :smiley:

Well. My goals short term, are to lose some weight, maintain a particular friendship of mine that might…well, not fall apart, but lose its familiarity forever if I don’t act, and uh, do the mailbag :stuck_out_tongue: I also need to get a job.

My hopes and dreams…well, I wanna be a composer, so I hope I can compose music for Movies or Video games. I also hope to find someone that I really love, so I can marry them…rather than be like some people I’ve seen that marry others because they fear being alone, and would rather spend it with anyone who wants to be with them. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll ever find someone though. Oh well. Music can suffice, I guess :smiley:

I can never remember any of my dreams when I wake up.

My hopes are too be able to find my soul-mate, a woman that I can truly want and need and who feels the same way, someone that I can respect and respects me and start a family with her.

I plan to leave college and move on to university where I’ll take a professorship in computer science and go into software development.

In the short term, I want to start working out since I’m unable to put on weight and try to sort out some employment for myself.

My plans? Win the lottery at an early age, go to college and become a video game programer, invest all of my money into he stock market, live the easy life from 25 on.

Oh, forgot the short term goals. My short-term goal is to drink this Diet Vanilla Coke, finish Final Fantasy Solid 2, and write about my short-term goals.

Long term, it to try to get into a good college like UC Davis or US Berkley and maybe even Stanford if I can get it(doubt it). Haven’t really decided in a major. I can hopefully have at least some idea in my Junior year in high school.

Short term, I plan to do any homework I still haven’t finished and wait for the stupid heat to go down. 85 F may seem cold for you some of guys but it’s blazing for over here

That’s quite hot for over here too.

Yea. That’s right around my comfort zone. 78-83 F being that comfort zone. But then again, I live in georgia, where the humidity is often as high as the temperature… :\

I suppose I’ll get a degree, get a job, and get married and build a family: And all those clichés.

Seriously. I don’t plan my life too much: I prefer to live on a day-to-day basis. Some would call it a too carefree life and it probably is, but I haven’t had any problems with it yet.

I hope to open a game store sometime in the future, but really I just take life as it comes, I don’t fret the future.

Dreams and hopes… er… I don’t really have any. Vague ideas, at the most. The only profession I’ve been able to think of that I could imagine myself going for is being a librarian. No, really. Taking care of books is one of the few things I like doing that you could actually work with. I love writing, but I don’t want to become a published writer, since there would be a slight risk of becoming famous. Ick.

I can’t stand children, so a family is NOT on my list.

I plan to finish “High School” and go to “College”, but I have no idea what to study, since I don’t know what I want to end up doing to make money. So I’m just collecting as high grades as I possibly can just in case.

As for what happens next, first of all, I’m going to try to think of something to do to kill time this summer. Quickly. Chances of success are small, though.

Originally posted by Chris-chris
Alright Val. But for me, I just don’t think theres anyone out there for me. I mean, I don’t picture myself with a husban and children. I don’t think I don’t have anyone for me.

You will only know it when the time is right. Keep looking. One day, you will think otherwise.

Well let’s see. I want to pull myself out of the hole I’m in, get a job, meet Weiila, go to college and work on computer science (I wanna be a game designer!) or psychiatry. May do both. Mwehehehe…

I also want to get married and have lots of kids. laughs

Well, college is next for me. There I hope to major in Political Science and minor in Japanese. I’m thinking on concentrating in foreign (primarily Asian) affairs mainly when it comes to politics. I don’t know exactly what I’ll do with that yet but hey, it’ll be interesting. I also plan spending the first semester of my junior year living in Japan, so I’m hoping to see if that works out.

Other than education, well, I don’t think there’s any way I can say it better than Sorc did.
“To find a girl that can put up with my shit on a daily basis and love me for it, and a girl that I can feel passion for and love without question. Someone that I know will always be there for me when I need it, and I for her.”

I feel the exact same way.

It seems almost everyone has a good future in plan. For those who don’t. Good luck with finding your true dreams and reaching them. I wish everybody the best of luck.