Find me some women. And buy some stuff like games and shit.
Firstly I’d get it converted into pounds. Then I’d buy:
Every colour of Citadel Paint ever.
Every piece of Citadel modelling junk ever
A tonne of Dwarfs for my WH army
A tonne of Daemon Hunters to start a 40k army
A house with a room devoted to the hobby
Tonnes of games
A good computer
And if I’d money left over I’d buy some love too.
'Buy myself a
huge drumkit
practicing environment
a few guitars + amps & stuff
a bass + amps & stuff
basically everything you need to record a record
invite a few friends and lock ourselves in…
and off course a lot of cd’s, games, porn mags, a new computer, and all that blabla
I’d put 10% into the church, 10% into savings and then with the rest I would: pay off my college and my two siblings, my parents house and car payments, then the rest would go to games.