what was the best japenes shooter game you played

radiant silver gun for sega saturn

Well, no one can argue with that. Radiant Silvergun is one of the finest games ever made. Other good shmups include Gradius (series, III and V specifically), R-Type (Final, Leo, and Delta being the best ones), Ikaruga, Psyvariar, Zero Gunner, Border Down, and Parodius. At least, those are the ones that stand out in my mind.

Mars Matrix.

'nuff said.

I’ve also always liked the Aero Wings and Gunbird series. I like pretty much anything vertical, and hectic. I guess thats why i like Mars Matrix…so many bullets @_@

Dragon Ball Z: Idainaru Dragon Ball Densetsu (aka, DBZ Legends)

edit: Shit, my bad. I failed to read “shooter.”

I’m waiting for DG to chime in on this one.

C’mon, it’s Darius Twin. It had some good tunes.
Eh, I haven’t played enough shooter games…
Some of Gradius, some of Parodius.
I’ve tried Twinbee, but the original is even more unforgiving than Gradius.
In the second (Stinger), I was cruising along until the sixth stage (because I got extra ships and lasers, normally I die a horrible death by the third stage). Then I got hit by one damn bullet and again became a slow, weak… :hyperven:
(at least the SNES version seems somewhat forgiving, giving you a health meter, so you don’t lose everything because you got hit once)

Radiant Silvergun is extremely overhyped… I played it for 15 mins over two years ago, loved it, but it ends there.

Border Down is brilliant.

Darius Series is awesome, and not the crap excuses on Snes(Sorry KingMike)… The Arcade Series are so much better in all possible aspects.

Anything, and I mean ANYTHING by Cave : ESP Ra De, ESP Galuda, Storm of Progear, Dodonpachi, Guwange, Dangun Feveron, etc… It’s all good.

Ikaruga is decent, not as overhyped as Silvergun, and that’s a good thing.

Darius 1 & 2 on arcade are very good. I also liked a game called Earth Defense Force, but it’s hardly amongst the best.

Sorry, DG, but I have to agree with the hype that surrounds Silvergun. Maybe you just need to give it more than 15 mins. :smiley:

Got 150+$ to burn ? I don’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, right now, I do… >_>

Keep it, RS isin’t in my priorities anyway… Not until I win the lottery or something :stuck_out_tongue:

The Guardian Legend (the boss designs were awesome).

I don’t know who made the 19XX games, but I always liked those.

Well, Capcom made the early 19XX games (1942, 1943, 19XX), then Psikyo made a series called “Strikers 19XX” where they basically used the same years as Capcom’s series, only with the word “Strikers” in front of it. Later (or maybe earlier), they released a game simply called “Strikers.” The two series are terribly similar, but they’re both pretty good.

I always liked Guardian Legend. Another 8-bit that I liked was Legendary Wings.

My favorite schumps would be the games from the Raiden series, especially Raiden 2. I also enjoyed the 19xx series, DoDonPachi, Battle Bakraid, and Twin Hawk a lot.